WHAT KIND OF LIFE ARE WE LIVING THAT HAS MADE US FORGOTTEN ABOUT DEATH AND THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT? Death is inevitable, we cant run away from it. its compulsory, WE MUST ALL DIE. Yet its the least we prepare for or take seriously. Wherever ye are DEATH will find you out, even if ye are in towers built up strong and high!......Q4 v 78 Shouldnt we be wary about this question? WHAT IF I DIE RIGHT NOW? AM I READY? We should realize the reality which is that with every breadth, with each unfolding day, we are moving closer and closer to our grave. Do we ponder on this fact when we celebrate birthdays that we have only moved closer to our grave? HOW DO WE LIVE OUR LIFES? AS A BELIEVER, someone who has submitted totally to the will of his Lord and Creator? Or as A HYPOCRITE, someone who has taken the MIDWAY? The life of these world is a fools life, a fools paradise which most of us have chosen to pretend not to know about this fact. What ever choice of life we choose to live doesnt make any SENSE AT ALL not until we SUBMIT COMPLETELY, MOST HONESTLY OUR WILL AND DESIRES TO THE VERY WILL OF ALLAH ALONE. I emphasize again life ONLY MAKES SENSE when every second is spent in the remebrance of Allah in obedience to Him. O ye who believe! ENTER INTO ISLAM WHOLE HEARTEDLY; AND FOLLOW NOT THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE EVIL ONE; FOR HE IS TO YOU AN AVOWED ENEMY. Q2V208 Too many of us have surrendered only but partly not at all fully. We have taken the MIDWAY. What is the consequence of this state of mind, the MID COURSE. Those who deny Allah and His apostles, and (those who) wish to separate Allah from His apostles, saying: We believe in some but reject others AND (THOSE WHO WISH TO TAKE A COURSE MIDWAY. THEY ARE IN TRUTH (EQUALLY) UNBELIEVERS. And we have prepared for UNBELIEVERS A HUMILATING PUNISHMENT. Q4 v 151. TOTAL SUBMISSION TO ALLAH IS THE ONLY WAY TO CONQURE THE FEAR OF DEATH AND DEATH IN ITS SELF. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO TRUE LIFE. Sincere men flee not from death. Does Allah gain anything by His PUNISHMENT? What does Allah gain by your punishment. If ye are grateful and ye believe? Nay, it is Allah that recogniseth (all good) and knoweth all things. Q 4 v 147 A lot of people are in their graves, regretting, crying, pleading to be returned to this life which we are privilege to still be alive. To be given respite to come back and do what Allah created us for, which is WORSHIP AND WORSHIP ALONE. BUT OF WHICH THEY CHOSE TO BE ARROGANT, CARELESS WHILE THEY WERE ALIVE. THEY BUT TOOK THEIR WORSHIP FOR GRANTED AND PLAYED ALL THEIR LIFES CHASING VANITIES AND TRIVALITIES. Their soul has know no rest know no peace in their grave. Such as took their religion to be mere amusement and play and were deceived by the life of the world. THAT DAY SHALL WE FORGET THEM AS THEY FORGOT THE MEETING OF THIS DAY OF THEIRS, AND AS THEY WERE WONT TO REJECT OUR SIGNS. Quran 7 verse 51 So that: If any do wish for the transitory things (of this life), We readily grant them such things as We will, to such persons as We will: IN THE END HAVE WE PROVIDED HELL FOR THEM: THEY WILL BURN THEREIN, DISGRACED AND REJECTED. Q17v18 Those who do wish for the (things of) the Hereafter and STRIVE therefor WITH ALL DUE STRIVING, and have faith, they are the ones whose striving is acceptable (to Allah) Q17v19 YOU ARE ALIVE TODAY AND I AM ALIVE TODAY WE DONT KNOW FOR HOW LONG WE WILL REMAIN ALIVE. SHALL WE NOT MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT ALLAH HAS GIVEN US TO SEEK THE REAL LIFE IN THE HEREAFTER? But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief.Q28 v 77 Whoever works righteousness, Man or Woman and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new LIFE, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions. Quran 16 verse 97. We always blame Shaitan (satan) for our flaws but Allah says: No authority has he (shaitan) over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord. His authority is over those only, who take him as patron, friend and who join partners with Allah. Quran 16 verse 100. LET US SUBMIT TO THE WILL OF ALLAH WHOLE HEARTEDLY BEFORE DEATH VISITS US. Then its too late to cry for another chance. There is no carry over, no spill over. Its a one way ticket to WHICH EVER HOME OF OUR CHOICE. PARADISE OR HELL. If we miss one we cant miss the other. NO WAY! Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the Day of judgment shall you be paid your FULL RECOMPENSE. Only he who is saved far from the FIRE AND ADMITTED TO THE GARDEN WILL HAVE ATTAINED THE OBJECT (OF LIFE): for the life of this world is but GOODS AND CHATTELS OF DECEPTION. Quran 3 v 185 Life after death is very much certain than the Life of this world. This is because we have been told what is going to happen after we die. Unlike this life, which is full of uncertainties. Its interesting as saying, whats going to happpen to this little infant now that he or she is born into the world. Would he or she become rich, poor, blind, become a slave or a king........e.t.c. WHAT IS MOST CERTAIN IN THIS WORLDLY LIFE IS THAT EVERY ONE OF US MUST DIE. Then comes the Final Judgement of which the Quran says the record of each man will be put in his hand. He knows by that what the decision is, what the verdict is. THERE ARE NO SURPRISES. Its not a case where someone looks over his record and is thinking THIS LOOKS PRETTY CLOSE, I HOPE THE JUDGE IS IN A GOOD MOOD TODAY. Its going to be a very clear record. One day every SOUL will come up struggling for itself, and every soul will be recompensed (fully) for all actions and NONE WILL BE UNJUSTLY DEALT WITH. Q16 V 111 That day shall ye be brought to judgment: not an act of yours that ye hide will be hidden. Then he that will be given his record in his right hand will say: AH HERE! READ YE MY RECORD! I DID REALLY UNDERSTAND THAT MY ACCOUNT WOULD ONE DAY REACH ME! And he will be in a life of Bliss.Q69v18 to 21 And he that will be given his record in his left hand, will say: AH! WOULD THAT MY RECORD HAD NOT BEEN GIVEN TO ME! AND THAT I HAD NEVER REALISED HOW MY ACCOUNT (STOOD)!AH! WOULD THAT (DEATH) HAD MADE AN END OF ME! OF NO PROFIT TO ME HAS BEEN MY WEALTH! MY POWER HAS PERISHED FROM ME! Q69V 25 TO 29 We should be able to stop and THINK. WHAT IF I DIE RIGHT NOW? AM I READY OR NOT. Our inner soul does know the true answer. Lets judge ourselves before we would be finally judged. In our inner most heart we all know what we are, who we are. A hypocrite knows if he or she is a hypocrite so also a sincere believer knows if he or she is a believer. We all know where we sincerely STAND. One day will the HYPOCRITES men and women say to the believers: wait for us! Let us borrow (a light) from your light! It will be said: Turn ye back to your rear! Then seek a light (where ye can)! So a wall will be put up betwixt them, with a gate therein. Within it will be Mercy throughtout, and without it, all alongside, will be (wrath and) punishment! (Those without) will call out, were we not with you? True! But ye led yourselves into temptation; ye looked forward (to our ruin); YE DOUBTED (ALLAHS PROMISE); AND (YOUR FALSE) DESIRES DECEIVED YOU; UNTIL THERE ISSUED THE COMMAND OF ALLAH. AND THE DECEIVER DECEIVED YOU IN RESPECT TO ALLAH. THIS DAY SHALL NO RANSOM BE ACCEPTED OF YOU, NOR OF THOSE WHO REJECTED ALLAH. YOUR ABODE IS THE FIRE: THAT IS THE PROPER PLACE TO CLAIM YOU: AND AN EVIL REFUGE IT IS! Q57 v 14 to 15 O ye who believe! Fear ALLAH, and let every soul look to what (provision) he has sent forth for the MORROW. Yea, fear ALLAH: FOR ALLAH IS WELL AQUAINTED WITH (ALL) THAT YE DO. And be ye not like those who forgot ALLAH; AND HE MADE THEM FORGET THEIR OWN SOULS! SUCH ARE THE REBELLIOUS TRANSGRESSORS! Q59 v 18 to 19 IN OUR TODAYS WORLD, MOST OF US PROCLAIM FAITH WITH OUR LIPS AND NOT WITH OUR HEART. OTHERWISE NIGERIA WILL NOT BE AS EVIL AS IT IS TODAY. Not equal are the companions of the FIRE and the companions of the GARDEN: it is the companions of the garden, that will achieve FELICITY Quran 59 verse 20 Say: O ye men! Now TRUTH hath reached you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs. Quran 10 v 108 NOBODY CAN FOOL ALLAH. Share if you care!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:44:04 +0000

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