WHAT KIND OF MESSAGES AND PHOTOS ARE ACCEPTED FOR POSTING ON THIS PAGE ? by your Admin Willem Van Cotthem We should keep in mind that this is a Facebook group for the CONTAINER GARDENING ALLIANCE (CGA). It goes without saying that its scope is limited to container gardening, not to gardening in general. Thus, it should be clear to our members that we avoid posting messages or photos concerning any other aspect of general gardening. There are hundreds of gardening groups (search gardening on Google and you will be submerged). Please keep in mind that it is useless to send us photos of beautiful flowers (unless they are grown in container or on a vertical structure), pictures of your fantastic garden, images of your splendid trees. This page is not meant to be an encyclopedic collection of photos and messages on all aspects of GENERAL gardening, soil treatment, watering, handling of diseases, fruit production ... But if you send us nice photos (well focused !) of your container gardening successes, you can be assured that we will approve their posting on this Facebook page. Please help us to avoid disappointment and you will be happy to see your own contribution figuring on this page. And to make your contribution as complete as possible, please add your location and the name of the plant(s) to the message, so that we are also informed about the climate zone you are living in. PLANT IDENTIFICATION Many friends are sending us a photo asking for identification of a plant. We are not posting these photos anymore, but recommend them to go to Google with a search on PLANT IDENTIFICATION. Sorry, but that is the best way to get a clear answer !
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 09:49:44 +0000

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