WHAT LAWFUL REBELLION IS NOT... The title Lawful rebellion - TopicsExpress


WHAT LAWFUL REBELLION IS NOT... The title Lawful rebellion seems to conjure up in the minds of the ignorant, an image of people angrily weilding pitch forks and burning torches, or even some benign protest group whinging about the wrongs being committed by our so called political representtives. The title seems to suggest revolution, direct action by taking to the streets and chaos creating mayhem....it seems to scare people into sticking their bloody heads into the sand with any excuse they can find NOT to look at the facts, or to take responsibility for the madness they allow to go on unabated being committed in their name. Oh but Magna Carta was unlawful bcos they made King john sign it!! or the barons were only looking out for themselves and Magna Carta did nothing for the common people..&..common law doesnt exist and we dont have a written constitution.or.common law goes back much further than Magna Carta and we dont need to have our rights written down somewhere...we can just ignore whats going on and carry on not giving it any energy... With the repeaters of govenment propaganda and the ignorant denials that the constitution is of any benefit to the people, we see an ignorance of gigantic proportion continuing, relying on beliefs made in ignorance, repeated daily by the agents of the NWO on social media sites like this one, for those without a critical or discerning brain of their own to repeat, because its much easier to do this and to self justify their laziness and apathy, than to actually take an interest in securing their future freedoms and health by observing the EVINENTIAL TRUTH. All you people make me SICK! Lawful rebellion is NOT something that can be ignored since it was invoked, it is a crime not to stand by the constitution in times of treason!! Peiople seem to take that FACT as some threat, and fail to see the remedy which that FACT offers them! (hint) If the highest law in the land states that it is a criminal act to support the government or the crown at this time, this can be used to deny them any support which they can only ignore at their peril or act against at their peril as they will be committing treason openly.....people need to grow a back bone and STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES whilst they still have the opportuinty to do so. Lawful rebellion is NOT some falicy!! The FACT that Article 61 of MC 1215 was invoked according to constitutional law CANNOT be denied by the established (dis)-order as it is FULLY EVIDENTIAL. Taking lawful responsibility is NOT difficult to understand or to do. You do not need to learn all about their legal claptrap which IS UNLAWFUL. When you enter into lawful rebellion you revoke ALL presumed ties to the alleged authority who deceive you into thinking they possess you. You still retain ALL entitlements that they have convinced you are merely benefits of being a citizen or subject. You forget who you really are, you seem to forget that we have or HAD a system of justice that was fair, entitlements in a system of service to the people who hold the sovereignty of the nation under constitutional law. Fear is the tool they use and ignorance is the way they apply their deception onto you. Its ridiculous! For those of you who arrogantly believe that you know better and all the above is but the rantings of some mad man deluded by delusions of grandeur, then just keep on walking into the nightmare of your own creation and, when you wake up in the hell you alowed to come into fruition dont you dare complain at the injustice of it all....OK!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:33:35 +0000

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