WHAT MADE NAPOLEON HILL WRITE THINK AND GROW RICH?(Daily Reflections)..........By Okiki Odero-Rege. Who is Napoleon Hill? You may ask. Napoleon Hill (October 26-November 8, 1970) is recognized as a journalist, author, attorney and lecturer. He is one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal success literature. His greatest work remains THINK & GROW RICH (1937). This book remains one of the best selling books of all time, having sold 60 million copies worldwide. He was advisor to two American Presidents, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The turning point in Napoleon Hills Success Literature career was when he met Andrew Carnegie (1836-1919). Carnegie one of the most richest and powerful men in America, at the time, believed that the process of success could be outlined Andrew Carnegie believed that the process of success could be outlined in a simple formula that anyone would be able to understand and achieve. Essentially, that success was systematic, and capable of documentation. Breathtaking! Andrew Carnegie asked Napoleon Hill if he was up to the task of putting together this information, and to interview over 500 successful men and women, many of them millionaires, in order to discover and publish this formula. Amongst those interviewed by Napoleon Hill, by that time a journalist, were Andrew Carnegie himself, Henry Ford,Edward C.Barnes (Associate of Thomas Edison), Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Franklin D. Roosevelt etc. What therefore, was Napoleon Hills conclusion, regarding success and wealth? Which was that secret and even magical ingredient that was a magical formula in the lives and fortunes of all these great men? What was the secret? He begins with the story of Edward C. Barnes, a man who could not even afford the means to take him to Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors. The man who discovered the light bulb. Edward C. Barnes hiked a lift on a train to see Edison. Later, he became Thomas Edisons partner. The only thing he had was THE DESIRE TO BE EDISONS BUSINESS PARTNER. Napoleon Hill therefore immediately identifies desire as the basic ingredient of success and wealth making. Concerning desire, he writes, The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in your mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat. Desire begins in the mind, it is a state of mind. This therefore becomes the basic foundation of the book. If DESIRE is the starting point of all achievement, then the mind IS ALL This is so because, as Napoleon Hill, discovered, all those successful only desired to so be. This was all they all had. This therefore leads to Napolean Hills most famous statement. He says, What the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve. This is Napoleon Hills hallmark expressions. Basically, it sums up the point he seeks to drive home in the book. What the successful and wealthy men and women he interviewed and studied had a singularly similar state of mind. They had always wanted what they eventually became. He says, Dreams are the seedlings of reality. What they dreamed, they became. This is the state of mind that was a common denominator in all the successful and rich men and women Napoleon Hill studied at the invitation of Andrew Carnegie, himself a millionaire, at the time when this study was conducted. Success is a state of mind. Success is simply what we think. What we THINK MUST BECOME! Napoleon writes, The great leaders of business, industry, finance, and the great artists, musicians, poets, and writers became great, because they developed the faculty of creative imagination. Everything that we imagine must be. Every great book teaches this! Most people, instead of imagining and focusing on what they want, imagine and focus on what they do not want. They end up attracting the very circumstances that they do not desire. This the unfortunate reality. This is what most people must change. Napoleon Hill say, A great many years ago. I purchased a fine dictionary. The first thing I did with it was to turn to the word impossible and neatly clip it out of the book. That would not be an unwise thing for you to do What is our world like? Is your thought world premised on possibility or impossibility? This is a mind question that every man and woman must be able to answer, for him or herself. The kind of mind answer will be instantly reflected in the resulting circumstances. Hill makes a most interesting comment on goal setting. He says, Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass In essence, what the world delivers to you is what your mind is SET ON. What want you? Think not of the limiting circumstances, for to so think, is to limit yourself. Remember, as Hill says, Every man is what he is because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind. What are you thinking about? Are you focused on your success or on your failure. The world can only give you what you give out. What thought are your mind giving outwards? Hill says, The only limitation is that which one sets up in ones own mind. Think deeply about it! What reality is your mind through your thoughts manufacturing? Possibilities or impossibilities? The choice is yours. Hill says, There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offsprings of thought. Never ever forget that you are what YOU THINK! Therefore, be responsible for your success. Hill wisely observes, Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into a physical reality; man alone can make his dreams come true. I counsel you to DREAM! In the words of Napoleon Hill, THINK AND GROW RICH ©2014. Okiki Odero Rege. Okiki Oderos DAILY REFLECTIONS. All Rights Reserved.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:17:52 +0000

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