WHAT MAN CREATES = (ISHMAEL...MUHAMMAD) WHAT GOD CREATES = (ISAAC....JESUS). THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY. ================================== - (Genesis 15:1-7) When the promise was given Abram (eventually Abraham) he was married (one flesh Genesis 2:24) to Sarai, (eventually Sarah). - Now God didn’t say when He would full-fill His promise. ================================== Islam and Christianity what it really comes down to: It really comes down to what Abram and Sarai (eventually Abraham and Sarah) do out of impatience and what God will do for Abram and Sarai (eventually Abraham and Sarah) when they keep faith in God’s promise. ================================== Let’s take a look at each situation: ================================== Situation 1: What Abram and Sarai (eventually Abraham and Sarah) do out of impatience. Scripture: Genesis 16:1-4 Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar; 2 so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Abram agreed to what Sarai said. 3 So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. 4 He slept with Hagar, and she conceived. When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress. ================================== Results: Muslims believe that Mohammed is a descendant of Ishmael. As proof of their position, Muslims refer to genealogies written around 770-775 A.D. by Ibn Ishak. Whether Mohammed is truly a descendant of Ishmael or not is irrelevant. The mistake Abram and Sarai (eventually Abraham and Sarah) made in trying to rush along Gods promise (making the descendant through human efforts) has left enough conjecture to create the Islamic deception (a false road leading potential followers of Christ astray) ================================== Some basic facts to point out: The “Muslim bible” Qu’ran (what Muslim’s believe is the word of God who they refer to as “Allah” was written about 600+ years after the Bible, by followers of the Islamic founder Muhammad, whom claimed he was visited by the same angel Gabriel referred to in the Bible. He claimed angel Gabriel sent him messages from God, which became what is known as the Qu’ran. Muhammad claimed to have his first encounter with Gabriel when he was 40, while praying in a cave, near Mecca. However these encounters with angel Gabriel didn’t start until Muhammad came in contact with Christians. After Muhammad came in contact with Christians he learned about their religion, and fuel by land procession decided to edit from the Bible and create his own god, from 1 of the 300+ deities the people in his area were following at that time. ================================== A helpful illustration: You can’t make up a story, or even have an illusion about my “Uncle Eddy.” You know why you can’t? Because I never told you about my “Uncle Eddy” and you have never heard of him, or been around anyone who has heard of him, you see? Same with Muhammad and angel Gabriel; once he came in contact with Christians, only then did “Gabriel appear.” ================================== Motives for the founding of Islam: At the time of the start of Islam Muhammad and whom he considered his people (his same nationality, and location) wanted to possess the land of Canaan (Modern day Israel). If one wanted to rally up a lot of people to go and try to commit genocide, to take over their land, the best way to do it is to say; “God instructed me to.” So angel Gabriel appearing to Muhammad really only benefits Muhammad and whom he considered his people (his same nationality, and location) at that time. There’s your motive! What Christians, Muslims, other faiths, and secular historians have to agree on here is, yes there were motives, agenda’s, for the founding of Islam. The founder’s of Islam insist this was God’s “Allah’s” will, however it was nothing more than the result of Muhammad’s rejection of Christ, which gave him over to an idolatry that Satan has perfected into his best tool. However with the Bible, particularity with the New Testament you find no logical motives or gain by the writers whom wrote it, other than it truly was God working through man’s hand. ================================== Situation 2: What God does for Abram and Sarai (eventually Abraham and Sarah) when they keep faith in God’s Promise (continue to have intercourse despite their ageing bodies) Scripture: Genesis 21:1-5 Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. 2 Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. 3 Abraham gave the name Isaac[a] to the son Sarah bore him. 4 When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God commanded him. 5 Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. ================================== Results: Isaac, Jacob (Israel), tribe of Judah, Judaism (the road to which ALL salvation is paved). Jesus The Christ, through the line of Isaac (an act of God) = Judaism (the line in which ALL salvation was created, Christianity) ================================== Israel’s rebellion: Un-fortunately many Israelites (Judaism) because of rebellious religious pride were and are still are blinded to the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was The Yeshua, and came to bring salvation to ALL (not just to reform Judaism), however this is another form of idolatry, but fueled by the same thing, pride! But it is clear: Only through Jesus Christ (recognizing His true deity and purpose) will Jew and Muslim find peace! ================================== Motives for starting Christianity: Again let’s look at what Christians, Muslims, other faiths, and secular historians have to agree on. All would agree that there were no logical, obviously, motives, for the writer’s of the New Testament Bible. All of the writer’s were persecuted and most murdered for not keeping quite about Christianity. What they claimed (Christ Resurrected) sounded crazy, however they weren’t, and were willing to die for not keeping quite about it. ================================== 3 good illustrations: 1. Martyred for what could have happened: Now let’s say you thought you witnessed someone die and then you possibly could have seen him appear and maybe it was an act of God. Now you’re not to sure if it’s true, and sharing it isn’t popular and will get you killed. That’s NOT what happened, because you wouldn’t put your life on it if you weren’t sure! Same with them! 2. Martyred for what didn’t happened: Now let’s say you thought you witnessed someone die and then you lied about seeing him alive again. Now sharing this lie isn’t popular and does nothing to your advantage, would you be will to die to keep this lie going? That’s NOT what happened, because you wouldn’t die for a lie! Same with them! 3. Martyred for what DID happened: Let’s say you witnessed someone die, and then seen him appear and knew it had to be an act of God. Now you know this truth, but sharing it isn’t popular and will get you killed. That’s exactly what happened! Because they knew it was true and didn’t fear those whom could kill the body but feared God ALL Mighty! ================================== Back to Islamic idolatry origins: - Only God acts as God! If God were to come down and tell you something you need to know He will do what He says, and let Him do it, on His times and His terms. Islam is a result of Abram and Sarai (eventually Abraham and Sarah) impatiently trying to create what God had promised He was going to do. - Acting as God, Islam’s trademark. - Having faith in God to act as God, Christianity’s trademark. - It started that way, and continues today! In the areas of the world where Islam is practiced the most, there is no freedom of religion. In other words Islam is their law of keeping an orderly society. In the areas of the world where Christianity is practiced the most, there is freedom of religion. In other words people believe what they want to believe based on being free to search all the facts without being arrested for treason. ================================== The deceptive reason why Islam is the fastest growing religion, if one looks at the polls: - Sadly when faith based polls are taken by countries, the polls rallying up Islam as the dominant faith in their respective nations is deceptive because in many of those area’s they have no access to Bible’s, do to Islamic law. In other words it’s illegal to own a Bible and one can be charged with treason, punishable by death, or imprisonment. ================================== Its seems too simple: - It’s seems too simple; trust in Christ and He’ll lead you to the truth about God. Yes it is that simple! But one can’t ever under estimate the “prince of this world,” Satan. - Christ died for your sins, resurrected and paved you a straight road to God, (by repenting and accepting Him). The enemy (Satan) can’t take that away! But what he can and has done is create false roads to lead potential Christ followers astray! Islam (by sheer numbers) is his best route. If you’re following of Islam, repent to Lord Jesus Christ (get on the straight road) ================================== Summary: - God, Creator of us ALL came in the form of us (a human) through His Son Lord Jesus Christ, Died for our sins, and defeated death by resurrection. All we have to do is believe. And He, in the form of the Holy Ghost working through us (not our own merit) grants us new hearts with new desires and guides us in truth. Does this happen all at once? No. We will still struggle with our flesh, our sins, at times but we will know we are on the right track! - Repent to Lord Jesus Christ and trust in Him and He will reveal Himself to you (probably not physically, but so you will know). Jesus was much much more than a prophet, and your comprehension of His deity will determine your eternity! - It’s ALL about God and no Glory to us! Only God working through us (accepting Christ and receiving The Holy Spirit) can man do anything right. ================================== I write this not out of hate, judgment, or anything else but Love. God Bless You Friend
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:50:02 +0000

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