WHAT NEXT? This, I see, is a question that is increasingly on - TopicsExpress


WHAT NEXT? This, I see, is a question that is increasingly on the minds of the awakened. Quite naturally so. Our own, inner mental processes have awakened us to the stark reality of our existence in this material world, created by man and perpetuated by the elitist scum that own and rule us. Now we are ascending to the next logical question. Quo vadis? Everyone is talking about sustainable, resource based and mutually supportive communities, but the movement in that direction is miniscule, in spite of the obvious urgency of the need to move in that direction. That we havent done so is simply because the majority, including the awakened have not yet realised that in order to achieve this, we need to re-create the communal mind. The individual brain and mind is now known in scientific circles to be self-organizing and the subjugation of which to the false paradigms of civilization is also the source of most, if not all of the pain in our individual existence. The awakening is for this reason painful, unavoidably so, as it often entails leaving behind those whom we love the most, including our own egos. What we need to be doing now is to provide the circumstances in which there can be the awakening of the collective or communal mind, made up of unique, individual awakened minds. What gets in the way of this is so called cognitive dissonance and natural resistance to culture shock. In order for the communal mind to come into being as a natural, self-organising mechanism requires us each to overcome our own cognitive dissonance and resistance to culture shock, simply by suspending our own belief systems, including our acculturation and to exercise humility, which is nothing more than the willingness to listen to each other and our inner, higher selves, our intuition or inner teaching. As has been noted, on many a post and meme, people generally dont listen to learn, but to respond. Furthermore, the intended response is invariably just an attempt to rebut what the other person has to say, regardless of the merits of what they have to offer and which may be very enlightening. So, the first step is to listen to all people with the intention of learning. If we learn nothing, so what? Heres an idea how we can overcome this. But firstly, we must realise that our connection on facebook may be a part of the process, but that it is of itself valueless, other than as a teaching and learning forum. We need to start the process in person, on a face-to-face basis in groups, of two or more. The following are the rules that I have applied when in chairmanship of any discussion group or meeting. 1. All persons at a meeting must have had the opportunity of placing on the agenda at least one relevant item for discussion. 2. The person who placed an item on the agenda must open the discussion on that item. 3. All subsequent speakers must first summarize all the opinions that preceeded them, before expressing their own opinion. This makes all contributors really listen, beyond the urge to merely respond and rebut. 4. Discussion may go as many rounds as are needed to arrive at a consensus. In my experience, following this method seldom involves more than one round. By having to summarise preceeding opinions one has to listen to and therefor take up the others positions or stand in their shoes, thus gaining the insight of their particular perspective. Without even realising it people find that they are in consensus, for the simple reason that the group has viewed the topic in hand from all available perspectives. Consensus is something which can very easily be achieved and in doing so we create the communal mind.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 06:52:49 +0000

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