WHAT SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE SANATAN DHARMA MAHA SABHA SAID RE ..AN ALLEGED INCIDENT INVOLVING MINISTER CHANDRESH SHARMA AND SACHA SINGH.. SUNDAY GUARDIAN MARCH 30, 2 K 14 Secretary general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha said Ramadharsingh’s issue was quite different from Sharma’s. “Ramadharsingh’s incident happened in an aircraft with other passengers who were endangered. This is a different thing—a domestic dispute...lots of people have. One is a domestic affair, and one is public manifestation of bad behaviour. It was a different situation because lots of politicians...they have domestic problems. So that is why I drew the line.” Maharaj maintained that the matter involving Sharma will take its course. Maharaj insists that he was not condoning domestic violence. WHAT SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE SANATAN DHARMA MAHA SABHA SAID RE...AN ALLEGED INCIDENT INVOLVING MINISTER GLENN RAMADHARSINGNGH AND CAL FLIGHT ATTENDANT RONELLE LAIDLOW SUNDAY EXPRESS MARCH 23, 2 K 14 Sat: Fire minister MINISTER of the People and Social Development Dr Glenn Ramadharsingh is an “embarrassment”, “a liability” and “a poor role model” and should resign or be fired from the Cabinet for his conduct on board a domestic flight from Tobago to Trinidad last weekend, secretary general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) Sat Maharaj has said. This is the view of the hierarchy of the country’s major Hindu organisation, Maharaj said. Ramadharsingh should do the honourable thing and tender his resignation now, Maharaj said. “He should be fired. He should be fired, he should offer his resignation to the Prime Minister and she must take the decision to have him dismissed because you cannot endanger the lives of people you cannot be an exemplar for our children, we have problems in the schools of this country,” Maharaj said. “When exemplars like these misbehave in the public domain on a flight that can endanger the lives of people it is not sufficient to say I am sorry, there must be a price to pay,” he said. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar was scheduled to attend yesterday’s Phagwa celebrations but was said to have been unavoidably absent. Persad-Bissessar returned the country from Florida on Friday. Maharaj said he is advocating publicly for Ramadharsingh’s dismissal as his presence can also affect the People’s Partnership’s chances in the general elections next year. “We will have a hell of a fight because he will be an embarrassment in the re-election of the Government. He will be an embarrassment to them,” Maharaj said. “Right now he is a liability, absolute liability. You cannot do that, not because you are a minister,” he said.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:51:40 +0000

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