WHAT STOPS YOU FROM WEARING THE HIJAB? 10 years ago, you’d - TopicsExpress


WHAT STOPS YOU FROM WEARING THE HIJAB? 10 years ago, you’d find almost every Muslim woman with the Hijab, but now, most women make excuses for not wearing the Hijab. Fast forward another 10 years and who knows if we’d find as many Hijabis as we find now, may Allah save us! So here are a few excuses people make for not wearing the Hijab, and the solutions for it in case you find yourself in a position where you have to convince a non-Hijabi on the stern obligation of the Hijab. 1. HIJAB ISN’T NECESSARY Lately, I’ve come across quite a lot of pages online saying the Hijab isn’t obligatory in Islam. I don’t know how they can even manage to say something like that when the Hijab is ordered explicitly in the Quran in Surah Al-Ahzab and Surah Noor. “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; That they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what is apparent of it and that they should draw their veils over their bosoms.” (Surah Noor 24:31) ‘O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (Jalabibwink veils all over their bodies that is most convenient that they should be known (as such) and not molested: and Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful. (Surah Al-Ahzaab: 59) If a woman calls herself a Muslim, it means that she’s convinced that Islam is the truth. If she is convinced that Islam is the truth, how can she not be convinced of the orders and laws in Islam? Now, seeing as the Hijab is an order in Islam ordained by Allah and revealed in the Quran, how can she not follow an order of Allah? A true Muslim woman will be in her Hijab wherever she is and she’ll never make excuses for not wearing it. 2. MY PARENTS DON’T ALLOW ME TO WEAR THE HIJAB The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said “There is no obedience to the creation in the disobedience of Allah”. [Ahmed] How can you obey your parents while disobeying Allah, who created your parents in the first place? You have to obey your parents-yes- but you can disobey them when they make you disobey Allah. Allah has said in the Quran : “But if they strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not.” [Sura Luqmaan 31:15] 3. I WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO FIND A JOB WITH MY HIJAB/ MY JOB DOESN’T ALLOW ME TO WORK WITH THE HIJAB If you go out, you have to be in your Hijab. There are no “but”s, there are no “if”s. If you think that wearing the Hijab is going to stop you from finding work, remember this is nothing but the whispers of Shaytan. There are some companies that do not allow the Hijab, but even if there are 10 such companies there surely should be at least 1 company that allow you to wear the Hijab, right? If your workplace doesn’t permit the Hijab, find another job. Remember that you sacrificed your job for Allah so He will look into helping you. Allah says in the Quran “And whoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty) and He will provide him from sources he never could imagine” [Sura At-Talaaq 65:2-3]. Subhanallah, isn’t this not a big enough guarantee for you? What do you think is bigger: this excuse for not wearing the Hijab or Allah’s promise in the Quran? Think for yourself. 4. I’M TOO YOUNG FOR THE HIJAB! When Angel of death comes, he doesn’t send a postcard. You never know if you’ll be alive tomorrow, so how can you say you’ll wear the Hijab when you’re older? Sisters, don’t wait for your funeral shroud to be the first time you wear the Hijab. Wear the Hijab now- you know it an obligation- and every moment you’re out without it, you’re earning for yourself the wrath of Allah. Is it worth it? 5. IT’S SOOO HOT UNDER THE HIJAB! Yes it is- maybe sometimes, but certainly not always. And remember, Hell is way hotter. “Say: The Fire of Hell is more intense in heat if they only understand” [Sura At-Taubah 9:81] The heat of this world is nothing in comparison to the heat of the Fire. Are you ready to face the heat of this world or the heat of Jahannam? The Sahaba women managed to cover themselves completely, from head to toe, and that was in the desert. Subhanallah! How hot can the desert sun be? And here we are, making excuses for not wearing the Hijab just because we’d have to endure a little bit of heat for a short time. Is it even justifiable? 6. I CAN’T HIDE MY BEAUTY WITH THE HIJAB! Firstly, the Hijab doesn’t hide your beauty. It only makes you a lot more beautiful. You know who the most beautiful woman is? She’s the one who covers herself for the sake of Allah and when you cover for the sake of Allah, that in itself, makes you a thousand times more beautiful! Secondly, who gave you your beauty? Isn’t it a blessing from Allah? And what kind of gratitude are you showing to Allah for having blessed you with beauty when you disobey His order of the Hijab? If Allah has given you beauty, the best way of thanking Him for it is by doing what He has asked you to. 7. I’LL WEAR THE HIJAB WHEN I’M READY Sisters, there’s absolutely nothing to be ‘ready’ for. Hijab is ordered in the Quran, and if you’re waiting until you’re ready to wear it, that time might never come. And is this the excuse you’re going to give Allah on the Day of Judgement when He asks you what stopped you from wearing the Hijab? Think about it. 8. NO ONE WILL MARRY ME IF I WEAR THE HIJAB If a man is unwilling to marry you for the simple reason that you wear the Hijab, know that that man isn’t worth marrying in the first place. Are you willing to marry a man who doesn’t want to follow the commands of Allah? A real man and a real husband would obviously want his wife to be covered in the Hijab. Don’t sacrifice your Deen for a man. And just a small note: there are plenty of men out there who are more than willing to marry a girl with the Hijab. Don’t take your hijab off just because the one you’re going to marry doesn’t want you to wear it. Again, there is absolutely no obedience to the creation in the disobedience of Allah. 9. I’D FEEL WEIRD WITH THE HIJAB Why should you feel weird by obeying Allah? You should only feel weird when you disobey Allah! Islam started as something strange and it would revert to its (old position) of being strange. So good tidings for the strangers. (Sahih Muslim, Book 1 : Hadith 270) Sisters, there’s nothing to feel weird about with the Hijab. Remember that the Hijab is a beautiful gift for you from Allah. It helps you guard your modesty, your chastity, upholds your dignity, defines your femininity, demands respect for your womanhood and gives you a sense of liberation and security no other piece of clothing can offer. How can you feel weird when you’re wearing the most amazing dress? 10. PEOPLE WILL CALL ME A TERRORIST IF I WEAR THE HIJAB So be it. Let people call you whatever they want. Remember that you’re doing this for Allah, not for people so don’t make the opinions of people matter. Only the opinion of Allah does. Hold tight to the rope of Allah and obey His commands- and don’t worry a bit about what people say! Let them say all they want. You’re doing what Allah has asked you to do, so stand tall and strong! You’re a Muslim woman!!! * * * Dear sisters, remember that no excuse comes even close to justifying your reasons for not wearing the Hijab. As a Muslimah, youre way too precious to be on display for every single man to see. All the fashionable dresses, all the glamourous make-up and jewelry and all the flashy hairstyles will please people- not Allah. And do you think it’s worth pleasing people at the cost of displeasing Allah, your Creator? Finally, remember that the Hijab is a lot more than just a headscarf. Hijab is a way of life and it should be with you wherever you go. Wear the perfect Hijab, please Allah and give us all Muslims a reason to hold our heads high! Now go show the world that you are a Hijabi!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:42:03 +0000

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