WHAT SUNDAY SCHOOL IS ALL ABOUT? Several years ago I was taken - TopicsExpress


WHAT SUNDAY SCHOOL IS ALL ABOUT? Several years ago I was taken to task for emphasizing Sunday Schools. Their contention was that Sunday School is only 200 years old while another department was much older. I somewhat doubt that in heaven we will see Heavens Sunday School Headquarters, Heavens Missions Headquarters, or even Heavens Ladies Auxiliary. Such humor should bring to light how sometimes we forget the unity of the sower, the waterer, and the reaper. Although organizational structures force us to work in different areas, we must work as one. I believe the foundation of the Sunday School goes back to Deuteronomy 31:12, Gather the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the Lord your God, and observe to do all the words of this law. Sunday School is the Christian Educational arm of the church. Moses in the above verse lays down some of the first priorities of Christian Education. 1. That both young and old were to constantly have before them the truth that their life was Gods. 2. That the will of God was to be found in the Book of Law. 3. That all classes of people, natives and aliens, freemen and slaves were to have identical teachings. 4. The object of teaching was that they might grow up with an intelligent recognition of the deep meaning of life. 5. That this intelligence was expected to blossom into holiness. The purpose of teaching was to guarantee present peace and contentment and hope for the future. Sunday Schools must do all of these, as applicable to the New Covenant. But before we achieve these goals we must gather them in as commanded. After the gathering in has been achieved, quality must be built into the program. Thirty percent of Americans now have a college degree. Our quality must be such as to reach these. Billions of dollars are spent in the entertainment industries. Our quality must be such as to compete. Weekly schedules are so packed with activities. Our quality must be such as to earn its way to the top of priority lists. But some draw the line here. If the spirit is here they will come. How deceptive that can be! Simple doctrinal truths tell us that the righteous hear, listen to, and obey the Spirit. The unnatural man cannot comprehend the things of God. So the lost person has little reason to go to church! He doesnt want to. He feels no need to. And he will not come. We so often cater to our regulars to the exclusion of newcomers, to the extent they feel like intruders. Quality cares! A public school teacher who also taught in a well organized Sunday School told me once it was much harder for her to teach in Sunday School than public school since there is less motivation for Sunday School. She also related how most Sunday School teachers lack the proper training. Training is terribly important if we are to provide the Holy Spirit a smooth-flowing channel to work through. The Great Commission commands us to Reach — Teach — Preach — and Teach. We can only achieve these goals through conscientious efforts. We in the National Sunday School Department and Evangelism Department are doing everything we can to foster this awareness across the conference and to provide opportunities for learning for all of our teachers. Along with quality personnel we need impressive materials, equipment, and facilities. We are making tremendous strides across the conference along these lines because we feel that Sunday School is still the gateway to the church, where 75-98% of all our people are introduced to one of Gods local churches. So Sunday Schools must live up to their past victories and surpass them. Because if we dont reach and teach, will they ever be reached and taught? The Bridegrooms Messenger, Spring, 1983 - CMH
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 12:57:10 +0000

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