WHAT.....THE.....*%$#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A woman in Texas is - TopicsExpress


WHAT.....THE.....*%$#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A woman in Texas is suing the owner of the dog that her dogs killed for $1million. WTF?!? The womans 4 dogs broke into a neighbors yard through a hole in the fence, then attacked and killed the neighbors 10 year old beagle. So of course she has to sue the neighbor for 1million bucks because she was seriously injured trying to stop the attack. She claims to suffered multiple serious bites and scratches, and is now feeling conscious pain and suffering, and also fear, anxiety, and trepidation from the attack. She is also accusing her neighbors of failing to securely confine and restrict their dog. You have got to be MOTHER FRACKEN BE KIDDING ME? This dirtbag bimbo lets her pack of dogs go roaming the neighborhood hunting and has the nerve to be suing this family for not having their dog confined and restricted in their FENCED IN YARD. The levels of which humanity stoops to has now reached a new low. Not only does this pack of dogs need to be put down, but SO DOESNT THIS WASTE OF FLESH WOMAN. The owner of the beagle said everyone was telling him he should sue the lady for killing his dog, but he refused. He said the police took action, and that suing this person wouldnt bring his dog back. SO by being a nice guy and just letting the police deal out the justice, and letting the issue end there has just bit this poor family in the ass. Now on top of having his dog killed in a vicious, hes going to have to spend tons of $$$ on lawyers and court cost to fight a law suit filed by this scum bag Ho for pretty much having a dog outside in his OWN yard. And even if he has home owners insurance that will cover the legal fees, we all know what happens to your rates once you actually file a claim with your insurance company........RATE HIKE! By the way all this piece of trash female got hit with for the attack was to have each animal registered with the city yearly as a dangerous dog. She must post a sign in her yard alerting neighbors of the danger, a minimum 6 foot high fence must be installed to contain the dogs, and she has to have a $100,000 liability on the dogs in case of future issues. Thats it. No fines, no having the dogs taken away or put down, no time in jail. Just a few costly additions to her property and a sign on the lawn saying my dogs are mean. Thats almost as big a WTF? as the law suit. And this is in Texas, the State where they brag about being free to carry guns and are true Americans. Ill point out right now that I am an animal person, to the point of preferring them over humans 80% of the time. BUT if I have a pack of fracken dogs attacking ANY animal I own, whether Im in time to save my animal or not, youre going to hear a lot of BANG and find 4 VERY dead dogs with holes in their heads when the dust settles. And if the owner of those raging mutts gets into my face and yells about killing their wild azz dogs.......well..........BANG! Guess us old school country boy Mainers know how to handle this shzt and a waste of flesh inbred idiot bimbo crack head never should own another dog ever best part of her trickled down her mommas leg scum bag Ho better then those Texas boys. :p Lets hope that this guy counter sues the living shzt out of this crazy azz broad until she doesnt have a pot to pizz in. And lets also hope that this pack of mutts dont get lose again and break into someone elses yard while their 3 year old is out playing. Of course maybe THEN they would take the dogs away from this FRACKEN WINGNUT and hit her azz with a fine and jail time. Enjoy your Sunday Folks :)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 16:17:00 +0000

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