WHAT THE ARMY OFFERS 1. Dear students, all of you have - TopicsExpress


WHAT THE ARMY OFFERS 1. Dear students, all of you have aspirations and dreams, of what your education will finally yield. If you are looking for a fat pay packet, a corporate job is the answer. But above and beyond this should be the question of what the job offer in totality. Let us see what attributes go into making an excellent career. The attributes that one expects from a satisfying profession are:- (a) Professional Advancement (b) Job Satisfaction (c) Job Security (d) Economic Stability (e) Social Status (f) Quality of Life (g) Variety and Adventure 2. If these are what you too are looking forward to, then Army is the profession for you, as these in the Army, compare far more than favourably with any other service. 3. All of us are aware that, professions are competitive, in so far as promotions are concerned. Army is no different. However, as said earlier the competition in the Army is clean and devoid of any other factor but competence. PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT 4. The promotional avenues available to an Army officer are:- (a) By Time Scale Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel (b) By Selection Colonel Brigadier Major General Lieutenant General General JOB SATISFACTION 5. Lack of job satisfaction leads to tremendous frustration and results in job-hopping. Jobs in the civil world whether with the government or the corporate leave one with no alternate avenues if stuck with a frustrating portfolio or set up. On the contrary, the sheer variety, sense of purpose, responsibility and pride, negate any job dissatisfaction in the Army. JOB SECURITY 6. For an effective career, a long-term strategy is essential and this is possible only if continuity and job security is assured. The Army has been structured to ensure that its personnel work with unhindered dignity. Additionally, statutory rules and regulations exist to safeguard the interests of the servicemen adequately both while in service and after retirement. FOREIGN COURSES AND POSTINGS. 7. The service also offers opportunity for courses and postings abroad. The India Army is renowned all over the world and interaction with foreign armies is extensive. Service with UN Forces provides exposure and travel opportunities across the globe. ECONOMIC STABILITY 8. Consequent to the Sixth Pay Commission salaries have shot up. While the pay and the allowances of an Army officer may superficially appear to be at par with other Central government services, and may be less than that offered by the corporate sector, the quality of life and non-inflationary nature of the perks, which the Army offers outshine the other services. Government job entitles you to many hidden perks, which you may NOT quantify while calculating remuneration. Apparently, there are about 61 types of facilities, benefits and allowances that are applicable to Army in genera l. In fact if one were to work out the remuneration of a service officer vis a vis a comparable job in the private sector, on the basis of ‘cost to company’ you would be astounded to find the returns of an Army man to be more if not the same. Some of these perks which are not quantified in terms of cash and are immune to inflation are as follows in case of a Lieutenant, which is the starting rank. STARTING PAY RS 15600/- to 39100/-PM GRADE PAY RS 5400/- MILITARY SERVICE PAY RS 6000/- KIT MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCE Rs 400/-pm TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE RS 1600/- PM to RS 3200 pm/- FIELD AREA ALLOWANCE RS 25% of Basic Pay RS6780/- pm COUNTER INSURGENCY RS 6300/- PM HIGH ALTITUDE/UNCONGENIAL CLIMATE RS 5600/- PM SIACHEN RS 14000/- PM FLYING PAY RS 9000/- PM PARACHUTE PAY RS 1200/- PM SPECIAL FORCES RS 9000/- PM GALLANTRY AWARDS TECHNICAL PAY LIFE LONG PENSION QUALIFICATION PAY/ GRANT FOR SERVICE COURSES RS 6000/- PM TO RS 20000/- PM OUTFIT ALLOWANCE RENEWED EVERY THREE YEARS RS 14000/- INITIAL&RS 3000/- ENTITLED RATIONS ANNUAL LEAVE TWO MONTHS&CASUAL LEAVE 20 DAYS 50% CONCESSION ON AIR TRAVEL FREE TRAIN TRAVEL ONCE A YEAR AND SUBSIDY FOR OTHER JOURNEYS, LTC FREE MEDICAL- SELF AND FAMILY IN WELL EQUIPPED MILITARY HOSPITALS SUBSIDISED HOUSING IN CLEAN CANTONMENTS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY CANTEEN FACILITIES FOR SUBSIDISED PURCHASE OF ITEMS INCLUDING CARS AND ACs INSURANCE COVER FOR RS 15 LAKHS AT SUBSIDISED PREMIUM GROUP HOUSING SCHEMES IN CITIES INCLUDING METROS LOW INTEREST LOANS SEPERATED FAMILY ACCOMMODATION IN CHOICE STATIONS. ENCASHMENT OF LEAVE UPTO 300 DAYS AT LAST PAY DRAWN STUDY LEAVE UPTO 2 YEARS WITH FULL PAY AND ALL BENEFITS FOREIGN POSTINGS The above are entitled as per service conditions and qualifications acquired. Cadets at the IMA, OTA, Cadet Training Wing at CME, MCME, and MCTE get a fixed stipend of RS 21000/- PM. POST RETIREMENT BENEFITS PENSION AT 50% OF LAST PAY DRAWN DEATH CUM RETIREMENT GRATUITY FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT INCLUDING DEPENDANTS CANTEEN FACILITIES AS BEFORE INSURANCE COVER RESETTLEMENT OPPORTUNITIES MBA PROGRAMME FOR RETIRED OFFRS TRAINING PROGRAMME (OFFRS). 9. Training for preparing retiring/retired officers for their resettlement in civil life is one of the major functions entrusted to the DGR. The resettlement training courses provide nationally/internationally accepted certification to facilitate officers to get quick employment within/outside the country. In addition six months courses being conducted at reputed B Schools (IIMs - Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Bangalore, Indore, XLRI Jamshedpur, MDI Gurgaon, NMIMS Mumbai. These courses have received an overwhelming response from officers and resulted in good job placements in the corporate sector. Other courses are being conducted in multifarious fields like Information Technology, Security Services, Entrepreneurship Development, Business Administration, Personnel Management, Hotel Management, Tourism, Human Resources Development, Law, Insurance and many other short term courses on miscellaneous subjects. Constant endeavor is made to improve the quality of training by regular monitoring 10. If the above were to be worked out in tangible terms it would add up to an amount that no private firm would be either capable of, or willing to pay. QUALITY OF LIFE 11. As an Indian Army officer at 21, you’d be looking at a lifestyle that one cannot imagine in any other profession, so early in life. What compromises“Quality of Life”? On one hand is a job with a thick pay packet but with the drudgery of 9AM to 9PM schedule, no avenues and time for extracurricular activities, no scope for adventure and excitement, no social status, lack of family life, threat of being terminated with a month’s salary, working in suffocating environment with no self respect and honour. On the other hand is a job which offers you challenge, adventure, excitement, honour, prestige, self respect, whole some family life, safety and security for the family and to top it all the love, respect and esteem of our great India. In the somewhat chaotic social and economic conditions that prevail in our country, Army life is an island of sanity and social order that is the envy of our countrymen. Quality of life is an important attribute of Army life, and has no parallel in any other service. Some of the intangibles, which go to make the quality of life in the Army, are:- Service of the motherland. A profession to be proud of Opportunity to travel and know the country and its people/culture/flora and fauna Opportunity to serve and represent the nation abroad A pure and noble profession Honour and social status No stagnation, a new challenge every day. Opportunity for growth Sports and adventure activity Messes, clubs and institutions facilities Education facilities–Both school and professional colleges for children AWWA hostel for girls in metros Army ensures your physical and mental health. (Quality of life ensured not only for officers, but also families. VARIETY AND ADVENTURES 12. Variety and adventure are the spice and romance of life. No profession has the kind of recreational and adventure facilities to offer as the Army does; from membership of the best clubs in country to horse riding, swimming, golfing, mountaineering, trekking and sailing. Posting to exotic stations gives one an opportunity to see India and its different cultures, in all its vivid glory. You may also get a chance to go abroad on course or on posting. So, if one is looking for a profession, which goes beyond being a mere job, accept the challenge and join the Indian Army. PROFESSIONAL ENHANCEMENT 13. The Army affords a very open, impartial and transparent avenue for professional enhancement. For a professionally dedicated officer with sincerity and dedication, the sky is the limit. Salient aspects of professional enhancement are as follows:- Opportunity for higher study in prestigious institutions both in India and abroad Deputation in various scientific institutions in the country including DRDO, DGQA, LRDE, BEL, ITI and host of others Foreign assignments in the UNO and Indian embassies/missions Foreign assignments in connection with the procurement of advanced technology and weaponry and training to handle and maintain the same Promotions solely based on capability and free of any extraneous consideration SOCIAL STATUS IN SERVICE 14. All of us have our own opinion about what constitutes“social status”. However it is an undisputed fact that the status of a‘warrior’has stood the test of time. History and society have both held the soldier in esteem and offered him a unique status in society. By joining the Army, one becomes a member of an exclusive and elite brotherhood, which is the envy of one and all. POST RETIREMENT 15. Even after laying down the uniform, Army officers continue to have the status of the most respected citizens of our country. This added to their ingrained code of conduct and ethical values enable them to occupy a special social niche in society. Since he is much fitter due to the active lifestyle he has led, a second career or lateral absorption in parallel employment is always eminently feasible. His do or die attitude and mental agility ensures that he never really grows into old age, but continues to contribute and thus remain a valued member of society. SYSTEM OF SELECTION 16. There are a number of ways in which one could get a commission in the Army. You can join right after school or after graduation. The selection procedures are impartial, objective and are uniformly applied to one and all and have only one aim–to“select the best”. TYPES OF COMMISSION 17. The Army offers both permanent and short service commissions. Permanent commission (PC) is granted through the Indian Military Academy (IMA) Dehradun and Short Service Commission (SSC) is granted through Officers Training Academy (OTA) Chennai. When you opt for‘PC’, you are basically looking at a permanent career in the Army, a career till you retire. SSC is a wonderful option for all those of you who aspire to serve it for a few years. It gives you the option of joining the Army, and serving it as a commissioned officer for five years. Once your tenure is over, you are allowed to opt for PC. Alternatively, you can also ask for a five years extension and can choose to resign from your post any time during this period. PERMANENT NDA DIRECT ENTRY ENGINEERING GRADUATES UNIVERSITY ENTRY SCHEME 10+2 TES ENTRY SHORT SERVICE NON-TECH TECH (BOTH MEN&WOMEN) NCC SPECIAL ENTRY(BOTH FOR MEN&WOMEN) Details of eligibility criteria duration and venue of training and other information is freely available through news papers or may be obtained from joinindianarmy.nic.in . The following telephone numbers may also be contacted. (011) 26173215, 26175473, 26172861. ADVANTAGES OF SSC 19. With the SSC, one has the best of both worlds. Even as it gives one the privileges and benefits of a full-fledged commission, one will be imbibing qualities that will make him an invaluable asset to any organization that he/she may join after the Army, analytical thinking skills, planning ability, administrative prowess and organizational talent. At the end of the day, it will train you to become a good leader and a successful manager. OPPORTUNITIES: AFTER STANDARD XII 20. At the Standard XI and XII level, those of you who have opted for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and achieve an aggregate of 70 percent and above, can immediately apply further 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme . The Army will then, over the course of next five years arm you with as engineering degree and also commission you as an officer on completion of four years of training, all free of cost. 21. However on successful completion of Standard XII, everyone is eligible to apply for entry to the National Defence Academy through an entrance examination held twice every year. For the Air Force and Navy stream the applicant must have studied Mathematics and Chemistry as subjects during the 10+2 stage. 22. If you are planning to pursue an engineering degree, and have not yet made up your mind, you can still be commissioned in the Army directly as regular on Short Service Commissioned officers, while enjoying ante date seniority of two years and earning full salary in the last one year of your training. 23. For those who qualify the written test and others, as applicable to them, will have to undergo the Services Selection Board. This is one of the most scientifically designed selection tool available, and has stood the test of time. The list of eminent personalities who could not clear the SSB, but then went on to rise to the very top of their profession is legion and reads like a veritable‘who’s who’of our country. This just goes to show that the SSB is an adventure worth undertaking. The schedule is as given above in the same website. CHOICE OF ARMS AND SERVICES 24. Just prior to being commissioned as officers, cadets are asked their choice of Arms. The major fighting arms are the Armored Corps, the Infantry, and the Artillery, with the other supporting them in battle. All arms and services are equally vital to success in battle and individual choices are generally governed by parental choice, educational qualification or plain fascination for a certain way of life. However at the end of the day the Army promises immense satisfaction to each one of its warriors. LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY FOR PROFESSIONALS 25. The Army provides lifetime opportunities to professionals like Doctors, Nurse, Engineers, Lawyers, and Teachers. Commissioned into the various Corps, one can pursue his or her passion to your heart’s content. An excellent infrastructure, dedicated support staff, and healthy environment provide unlimited growth. The Army invests heavily in human and technical resources. The latest and the best tools are made available for research and employment. Periodic forays into the academic world are encouraged in order to imbibe and practice current technology in your chosen field. POSTING/ TENURES SUBSEQUENT TO COMMISSIONING 26. Training is a judicious mix of technical, military and managerial instruction, in top class institutions run by the Army and a host of other prestigious institutes and establishments including IITs and DRDO. In accordance with the training received, proficiency acquired and aptitude shown, one gets posted on a variety of regimental, staff, or instructional appointments in organizations throughout the country. Additionally officers proceed on deputation to various organizations and foreign appointments. 27. Unlike in a civil environment where a posting means virtual uprooting of a household and starting a fresh new station, in the Army it is merely a change of scene. With more and more stations falling under the purview of peace stations and with better infrastructure facilities coming up even in small stations, the pangs of moving are speedily easing up. FOOD FOR THOUGHT 28. Here it would be apt to reiterate–That all professions serve our motherland–but none of them is in the same league as the Indian Army–for this is the only profession which affords you the opportunity to live up to these stirring lines. “TO EVERY MAN UPON THIS EARTH, DEATH COMES SOONER OR LATER. AND HOW CAN A MAN DIE BETTER FACING FEARFUL ODDS FOR THE ASHES OF HIS FATHER AND THE TEMPLE OF HIS GODS” -Macauley NCC Special Entry(Women)/Interview Centre JAG(Men/Women)/Interview Centre joining instructions Interview dates Bhopal merit list joining instructions Interview dates Bangalore Interview dates Allahabad Interview dates Bhopal merit list joining instructions Interview dates Bangalore Interview dates Allahabad Interview dates Bhopal merit list joining instructions
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 12:42:58 +0000

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