WHAT THE CONSTITUTIONS SAYS ABOUT REFERENDUM BY POPULAR INITIATIVE.....AND WHY KENYANS SHOULD BE AT EASE.. .. 257. Amendment by popular initiative (1) An amendment to this Constitution may be proposed by a popular initiative signed by at least one million registered voters. (2) A popular initiative for an amendment to this Constitution may be in the form of a general suggestion or a formulated draft Bill. (3) If a popular initiative is in the form of a general suggestion, the promoters of that popular initiative shall formulate it into a draft Bill. (4) The promoters of a popular initiative shall deliver the draft Bill and the supporting signatures to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, which shall verify that the initiative is supported by at least one million registered voters. (5) if the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission is satisfied that the initiative meets the requirements of this Article, the Commission shall submit the draft Bill to each county assembly for consideration within three months after the date it was submitted by the Commission. (6) If a county assembly approves the draft Bill within three months after the date it was submitted by the Commission, the speaker of the county assembly shall deliver a copy of the draft Bill jointly to the Speakers of the two Houses of Parliament, with a certificate that the county assembly has approved it. (7) If a draft Bill has been approved by a majority of the county assemblies, it shall be introduced in Parliament without delay. (8) A Bill under this Article is passed by Parliament if supported by a majority of the members of each House. (9) If Parliament passes the Bill, it shall be submitted to the President for assent in accordance with Article 256(4) and (5). (10) If either House of Parliament fails to pass the Bill, or the Bill relates to a matter specified in Article 255(1), the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the people in a referendum. (11) Article 255(2) applies, with any necessary modifications, to a referendum under clause (10). This is what the Constitution of Kenya says,political opinions are just Opinions... NOTE..they will collect the signatures and take them to IEBC for verification,,remember,they want IEBC disbanded..if IEBC is satisfied..they take the draft bill to each County Assembly..then to rogue Parliament..Senate and National Assembly....We dont know how long it will take the CORD initiative to collect the 1Million signatures..but let give them 3 months if they have the resources...IEBC has 3 months to verify the signatures and be satisfied...the County Assembly has another 3 months to deliberate..and then submit it to the rogue parliament...and what about Treasury allocating money for referedum...Iam not a Lawyer i could be wrong..WAKENYA TUENDELEE NA HUSTLES ZETU..LET ELECTION LOSERS PIA WAENDELEE NA KUTAFUTA KAZI 2017..BE WISE.. Dennis Ole Itumbi Posts and Updates. Uhuru Kenyatta Nderitu Gachagua Hon. Priscilla Nyokabi
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:20:21 +0000

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