WHAT THE HELL YOU EXPECT ..OUR PRIME MINISTER UP AND DOWN PLAYING SANTA CLAUS....SATAN CLAWS WHEN SHE SUPPOSE TO BE DOING WHAT WE ELECTED HER TO DON GOVERN OUR COUNTRY.. NEWSDAY DECEMBER 24, 2K 14 NURSE, PLEASE WORK By Vashtee Achibar Wednesday, December 24 2014 click on pic to zoom in A passionate appeal to nurses of San Fernando General Hospital to embody the spirit of Jesus Christ and work this Christmas has been made by the medical director. This has prompted the Health Minister to recommend the nurses be paid an incentive to report for duty over the holidays. Last week, Chattergoon, acting as chief executive officer of the South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA), called on the nursing staff to not abandon patients over Christmas lamenting a high level of nurse absenteeism during the holidays in recent years. Chattergoon even accused certain doctors of facilitating sick leave for nurses and called on them to stop the practice. In response to Chattergoon’s pleas, Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan yesterday proposed an allowance which he said does not have to be seen as “Christmas money” but a holiday incentive. Khan admitted his suggestion may land him in hot waters with the Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) but believes the SWRHA could find a way to work out the incentive. Hospital sources confirmed to Newsday the proposal for “financial incentive for public holidays” was first made by the nurses to the hospital’s administration. “If I could ask the RHA to find a way to develop that type of incentive for people to work during the holidays...I think it is very possible because the RHA is a corporate body by law and corporate bodies can do certain things that the public service cannot do,” Khan said on TV6’s Morning Edition. The Minister said further discussions will have to take place between the RHA and the CPO to find a solution. The issue arose when Chattergoon issued a memo dated December 17, to the Nursing Manager on the subject “My Christmas wish for SFGH”, and copied it to Anita Lakhan, Manager, Hospital Administration, Franka Olliviere-Andrews, General Manager, Nursing, Anil Gosine, CEO, SWRHA and Dr Lackram Bodoe, chairman- elect of SWRHA. In the memo, Chattergoon stated, “My Christmas wish for the SFGH is that the nurses who are assigned to work at the SFGH during this Christmas season will turn up for work and serve the poor and forlorn who seek refuge at the cathedral/temple/mosque of healing that is the San Fernando General Hospital.” “Too many of the nurses employed to work at the SFGH think nothing about failing to turn up for duty, caring little about the stress that they subject the nursing administration to, the inordinate pressures they subject their colleagues to and the lack of quality care that the sick and diseased have no choice but to endure. It seems ironic that the nurses would do this even at a holy time like Christmas when we commemorate and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who was the embodiment of compassion and love.” Chattergoon hoped that as Christmas draws closer “we would not see the high level of nurse absenteeism that has shamefully plagued the SFGH for so many years especially at Christmas time, for such an unbecoming attitude and such unacceptable behaviour is indeed in contravention of the life and teachings of Jesus whose heart melted in sympathy when He saw anyone suffering and whose entire life was dedicated to service.” He reminded that “Christmas is a holy time of year that is celebrated by all, irrespective of colour, caste, race, creed or religion. Most, if not all, of the nurses who work at the SFGH celebrate the festival of Christmas and as such should be mindful that Jesus exhorted people by precept and example to cultivate the virtues of charity, compassion, forbearance, love and faith. Too many nurses seem to be devoid of the divine virtue of compassion and seem to have forgotten the art of speaking to patients and their loved ones softly, sweetly and lovingly. In many parts of the SWRHA, whether it be the health centres, the district health facilities or the hospitals (SFGH/SFTH), the cry of complaint is the same—the failure of many nurses to talk to patients with compassion, concern and love. To forget Jesus’ teachings and to profess love for Him is no love at all.” The Medical Director said he was fearful that “many nurses will not turn up for work during the Christmas week and will attempt to justify their absence with sick leave certificates which no doubt they will obtain from some willing doctor.” He chided a certain doctor (name given) “for giving sick leave certificates to nurses employed by the SWRHA”, and further warned doctors “that the issue of a false sick leave certification is in breach of the Medical Board Act, ” and that an employer has every right to question (where some suspicion exists) and even deny the employee the application of sick leave. Chattergoon was quick to point out “there are good, kind and caring nurses working at the SWRHA institutions. Their dedication, devotion and commitment to duty are second to none but the growing number of unconscionable, unscrupulous and uncaring nurses is cause for great concern for it is giving our healthcare organisation a very bad name and is bringing it into disrepute.” He reminded them that the hospital is built for the patients and belongs to them and they must always come first. He urged nurses to “reflect upon the triple qualities—sacrifice, love and compassion—in treating their patients”, and lamented “some nurses do not have these virtues at all”. “They are disrespectful and discourteous to patients and their loved ones, oblivious to the undisputed fact that the sick and diseased respond favourably to treatment if they are spoken to with love and with a smiling countenance.” In closing, the Medical Director pleaded with the Nursing Manager to urge her nurses to treat their patients kindly as that would be the best way to commemorate and celebrate the birthday of the Divine Redeemer Jesus. He said to do otherwise “is to incur bad karma upon themselves for the law of karma is an inescapable and inscrutable law”. Newsday was yesterday unable to get a response to the memo from the nursing administration and the nurses’ representative union, the Public Services Association.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:48:19 +0000

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