WHAT THE KINGDOM WILL DO FOR FAITHFUL HUMANS Long before he came - TopicsExpress


WHAT THE KINGDOM WILL DO FOR FAITHFUL HUMANS Long before he came to earth, Jesus lived in heaven with his Father. The Father used the Son to bring everything into existence—from the mind-boggling heavens with their countless stars and galaxies to our beautiful planet and the wildlife that inhabits it. (Colossians 1:15, 16) Out of it all, though, Jesus became “especially fond of” humankind.—Proverbs 8:31. Love for humans characterized Jesus’ ministry. From the very start, he made it clear that he had come to earth to “declare good news” to those in need. (Luke 4:18) But Jesus did more than talk about helping people. Time and again, he demonstrated his love for humans. For example, when a large crowd gathered to hear him speak, Jesus “felt pity for them, and he cured their sick ones.” (Matthew 14:14) When a man with a grievous disease expressed faith that Jesus could heal him if he really wanted to, Jesus was moved by love. He healed the man, compassionately telling him: “I want to! Be made clean.” (Luke 5:12, 13) When Jesus saw his friend Mary mourning the death of her brother, Lazarus, Jesus “groaned within himself,” “became troubled,” and “gave way to tears.” (John 11:32-36) Then he did the unimaginable—Jesus brought Lazarus back to life although Lazarus had been dead for four days!—John 11:38-44. Jesus, of course, knew that the relief he offered then was only temporary. He realized that sooner or later, all whom he healed would get sick again and all whom he resurrected would die again. However, Jesus also knew that God’s Kingdom would bring a permanent end to such problems. That is why Jesus did not just perform miracles; he also zealously declared “the good news of the Kingdom.” (Matthew 9:35) His miracles demonstrated on a small scale what God’s Kingdom will soon do earth wide. Consider what the Bible promises regarding that time.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 02:08:01 +0000

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