WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO: FILL THE AIR WITH SONGS! Isa 54:1 KJV Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD. You need a great attitude to keep your relationship and marriage going. I thought the above scripture should read, ‘Sing O mothers…” but it says Sing, O barren... In order words, in the midst of that dryness and seemingly wilderness experience, the thing to do is not to get depressed, resign to fate, have a pity-party or start complaining, but to start praising God! You’ve got to sing when there is no productivity. While the verse is metaphorical, it applies to all and sundry. Relationships and marriage come with its responsibilities and with those responsibilities are pressures that you must go through. One of the ways you can stay on top is to have a great attitude, an attitude of Praise! Praise will always raise you up! When things are not going the way you expect them to, when you are feeling depressed and disconcerted, when you have an uncooperative spouse, when you have just been jilted and you feel abandoned, when he just walked out on you a few days to the wedding, when there are financial pressures, the way out is not to give up and resign to fate, but to switch into praise because the joy of the Lord is your strength. When it looks like there is delay, when prayers seems unanswered, when it looks like shame is inevitable, when frustration becomes the order of the day, when it seems you are lost and abandoned by the God you have served for so many years, what to do when you dont know what to do is to start praising God! Believe me, you need that strength to get out of the rut and have a clear thinking through. So you don’t want to lose that joy for anything. Another translation of above verse says Isa 54:1 MSG Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby. Fill the air with song…, That is powerful. Fill the air with song! Don’t let the devil have the last say in your marriage! Don’t keep quiet on God. Praise Him and see His wonders. Don’t respond to that situation with bitterness and complaints. Respond with a shout to the Lord. Give Him a Shabach! Count it all joy! If you dont know how to sing, then make a joyful noise, by all means say something to your God! A noise is an uncoordinated sound, it requires no key and has no need of a sonorous voice! He said open your mouth and I will fill it! That marriage will be revived. I sense Gods anointing writing this! Your broken heart will be mended. You will find your God ordained spouse. The dry bones will become an army! Get ready for God. Your baby will come. The health challenge will be soon gone! God will make a way for you. As you start praising him, Help will arise for you! This day, this week, this month, God will visit you in Jesus name! I await your praise reports! Will you like to give your life to Jesus Christ or rededicate your life? Then Click HERE. Subscribe by E-Mail HERE for daily links in e-mail, (Click link in inbox to verify it afterwards) Become a PARTNER to support the vision HERE CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am a ‘God-Praiser’. I will not lose my joy. Joy is the fruit of the recreated human Spirit, so I have joy. PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Lord, help me by your Spirit to stay in joy of the Holy Ghost THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Isa 54:1 BBE Let your voice be loud in song, O woman without children; make melody and sounds of joy, you who did not give birth: for the children of her who had no husband are more than those of the married wife, says the Lord. ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Look for a place and just offer Him some Praise!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 07:15:37 +0000

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