WHAT TO KNOW & HOW TO RECOVER FROM A C-SECTION Whether you have - TopicsExpress


WHAT TO KNOW & HOW TO RECOVER FROM A C-SECTION Whether you have been planning for a c-section or you have one un-expectantly, you may be wondering how to prepare and recover afterwards. Whatever birth plan you choose, it is always wise to be prepared. It is a known fact that 32% of all births today are via cesarean section. You never know what may happen at the hospital and while having a birth plan is great the most important plan is bringing your little one into the world the safest way possible. WHY DO SOME WOMEN HAVE C-SECTIONS? While some c-sections can be planned, there are times that a baby may be breached or a woman may not dilate enough to allow the baby to go through the birth canal. To not put a lot of stress on a baby, a doctor may opt to use c-section as a way to successfully and safely deliver a baby. There are also other reasons such as the mother may have diabetes which can cause their baby to be a bit larger making it very difficult for a vaginal birth. A doctor may also opt for a cesarean birth if there is problems with the umbilical cord, carrying multiples, position of the placenta or the mother may have an active genital herpes outbreak or have HIV. There are a slew of reasons why a c-section is done but the good news is that they are considered a very safe surgery. HOW DO I RECOVER QUICKLY FROM A C-SECTION? Everyone recovers at their own pace but there are things that you can do that will help speed up the recovery. You may be very sensitive after a c-section, so much that even a slight laugh may cause a bit of discomfort but it is important that you get your body moving the next day after surgery. Now, that definitely doesn’t mean go out and run a mile or clean the house! But getting up out of bed and walking around a bit will help circulation and prevent any formation of dangerous blood clots. Hospital food may not be that appealing so if your partner can, send them out to pick up some delicious food. You deserve it! You just had a baby after all. Eating is pretty important after a major surgery. There has been research that shows that a patient who eats after surgery tends to recover faster. Your body is working on mending and fixing itself so it definitely needs the nutrients to help this process. Delegate tasks and relax! Remember that you should not be lifting anything heavier than your baby. If there is something heavy that needs to be lifted or move, get some help. Take all the help people offer to you. This is very important in your recovery. You need as much sleep and rest as you can and it is already difficult when you have a newborn baby to attend to. Have someone take over the laundry and if people asked what they can do, having them bring dinner is a huge help as well. Make sure you take care of your scar. By the 7th day your new scar should be turning purple from its first bright pink and it shouldn’t be as delicate as it once was before. In a month, the scar will start to look the same color as your skin tone and should be relatively comfortable. Be sure to keep an eye on your scar during your healing process. If it is infected it will be red and become increasingly tender and swollen. If it is seeping out yellowish puss and is warm, can be a sign of infection as well. If you see any of these symptoms seek a doctor right away.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:24:21 +0000

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