WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST IN FLORIDA - bulk disposition of - TopicsExpress


WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST IN FLORIDA - bulk disposition of foreclosure cases WITHOUT due process - paid for from moneys intended for embattled homeowners: Next Wednesday (September 17, 2014) I am scheduled to again LOSE a Miami home I saved in 2005 and have since 2008 fought to keep from US Bank N.A., who has NO RIGHT to ENFORCE or FORECLOSE UPON the FHA loan that bears the FORGED signature of my late mother. She was diagnosed with ALZHEIMERS and DEMENTIA 7 years earlier in 1993 and had NEITHER the COMPETENCE nor LEGAL CAPACITY, so anything bearing her forged name is VOID AB INITIO. Not only was her identity stolen and signatures forged, FALSE work & earnings histories and appraisals were created - in VIOLATION OF FHA UNDERWRITING STANDARDS - to put her into a PREDATORY loan that was 130% of her meager subsistence income (from social security and small nurses pension). Both US Bank N.A. (as Trustee for SASCO 2005 RF 5 - a dubious trust the SEC has NO RECORD OF and one NOT LICENSED TO DO BUSINESS in FL) and WELLS FARGO, the servicer BOTH signed NATIONAL SETTLEMENTS where they promised to discontinue their FRAUDULENT PRACTICES. They even cut me a measly check admitting as much. FHA and HUD have failed to respond to my notice they are being presented a FALSE CLAIM. This is hugely IRONIC (maybe an instance of poetic injustice), since I have been manning the ramparts against economic/social injustice since the 60s, but most especially since 1988, and optimistically placed much faith in the American justice system. Some of you know my work in Florida, at City Life/Vida Urbana in Jamaica Plain, MA, MFDL (Massachusetts Foreclosure Defense League), with Gracr Ross at MAAPL (Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending), et al. The 5 minute hearing for POSSESSION will be RUBBER-STAMPED by Judge Stanford Blake who was brought in to play a role in the legislatures charade that requires FL courts clear the backlog of 760,000 cases that are but a small percent of what Neil F Garfield rightfully characterizes nationwide/globally is the most extensive economic crime in human history! Judge Blake has ignored every one of my motions, including DEFENDANT’S MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION and DEFENDANT’S OBJECTION AND 60 (b) MOTION TO VACATE ORDER AND SALE, ENJOIN ISSUANCE OF TITLE AND FOR CAUSE DISMISS PLAINTIFF’S FRAUDULENT FORECLOSURE. Despite such stellar victories by Matthew Weidner, Mark Stopa, Margery Golant of Golant & Golant, P.A. (all mentioned in the article), Evan Rosen, Ice Legal and countless others motivated to help embattled homeowners, the pretender lenders - who are foreclosing without right and often with fabricated/forged documents - are operating with impunity. The government - DOJ - has given mega-banks a get-out-of-jail card and the Fed is buying up $85 BILLION of their toxic assets EACH AND EVERY MONTH. These TBTF mega banks are fully exploiting executive, regulatory and legislature capture AND the 2 Achilles heels of our once vaunted adversarial legal system: 1. there are not enough competent/motivated foreclosure defense lawyers to hold pretender bank lawyers to Rules of Evidence or Civil Procedure; 2. there are not enough INDEPENDENT judges who will uphold their oath to protect the US and state constitutions, and follow the UCC, Rules of Civil Procedure and Rules Of Evidence to DO JUSTICE instead of rubber stamping an economic crime and wholesale transfer of wealth under color of law of a magnitude such as the world has never before seen. With 90+% FORECLOSURE outcomes PRE-DETERMINED in favor of parties who have NO RIGHT to foreclose, there is TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF UNJUST ENRICHMENT CURRENTLY UNDERWAY, and MOST OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE WHOLLY UNAWARE OF IT, thanks to the captured consolidated media that controls our experience of democracy so that it favors the corporations and those given the green light to plunder the American public.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:51:44 +0000

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