WHAT WE WANT AND WHAT WE ARE Di Fusco Celado Anio , Friday, - TopicsExpress


WHAT WE WANT AND WHAT WE ARE Di Fusco Celado Anio , Friday, March 7th, 2014 at 9.35 am What we want above all is to revolutionize the current mentality and influence every sphere of culture, based on the principle that every premise of revolutionary liberation is individual liberation through self-education to the expansive dimensions of thought, art and knowledge . We are convinced that there is no reactionary force worst presumptuous ignorance and dogmatic . You may wonder then who we are. Certainly not intellectuals and artists proponents of some trendy new cultural movement , our roots in the aspirations ideals in history, our scope is the militant politics : we are the members of the group revolutionary democratic communism ( https://facebook/groups/Comunismo.democratico/ ) for the construction of the party Renaissance New Communism . Compared to the old world , and the vetero communism, we will not just put the work in the middle of the maximum values, but we will overcome even this conception elevating the freedom from the need to be more productive , more competitive ( and for what? ) and in the end always slaves to excessive work, beacon and guide for the construction of a new era of freedom and Renaissance regaining authentic dimension of living . We chose this name because socialism and communism before then ( as theorized by Karl Marx) are for us only the necessary means , the instrument without alternative means to achieve salvation and the true welfare of the species , just as the Renaissance was a revolution needed to get out of the Middle Ages. Announcing that a new way of living is possible and inevitable , a new way of understanding the world as radically different from the capitalist world , the source of all evil that for too long people have been led to accept as the only possible world. We are not naive beautiful souls , we are in possession of the most powerful conceptual framework and practical than ever, man has developed , unfortunately cleverly concealed from the memory , reviled and distracted at the sight of the people tortured , and all the work of a civilization falsely benign and falsely democratic , one that is a global company with the most massive exploitation of human beings and natural resources . The animators of this deception and this civilization are not like us , live like vampires height of skyscrapers , helicopters and private jets. Each reformist vision is a hoax , you will always and only partial solutions to social and economic issues immediate and contingent , never provide a comprehensive view of where to bring the humanity of the third millennium, but the butchers of skyscrapers know very well that this place will be the slaughterhouse of World War III in order to relaunch the new secular cycle of capitalist expansion . We design instead of a sustainable future, the only possible one , a new Renaissance , an age of change and true freedom , democracy and justice in which it can develop a new way of understanding the world and themselves, developing ideas of coexistence and co-operative peaceful , and lifestyles are no longer linked over production and over consumption . We want to say, a new humanism in which the economy is at the service of man and not man a slave economy. The present world is pervaded by an excessive production of material wealth, but biased and in favor of the few and thus a source of real crisis because a few rich people can not consume as millions of poor in this mess absurd to oppose the true freedom for all, that is the release time of everyones life in exchange for the spoliation of all wealth the means of production , tools that will be managed directly by the State becomes a citizen and then single economic collective . The real wealth is in the harmonious growth as individuals protected in every law , not in the alienation of the overabundance of goods in shortage of time to enjoy it. True wealth is the ability to live a full life, to cultivate themselves, their time, their interests and their passions , their creativity free , their children , love , friendships and life in the community understood as a single fabric and not as a land of perpetual conflict in which everyone must necessarily selling something of himself to others in order to survive
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 18:40:19 +0000

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