WHAT WILL CAUSE THE DOWNFALL OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION? 1. RADICAL ISLAM & RADICAL LIBERALS 2. POOR EDUCATION SAID ANOTHER WAY: Since academia is run by liberals who could not be of any use to society being productive, our youth are taught by people who live in a bubble of theoretical living, while the rest of us participate in ACTUAL licing. Since the education system infects the minds of our kids from the very beginning with the liberal ideology, it takes a few years of them living in the real world upon graduation to figure out that liberals belong in asylums. Unfortunately by the time their brains are fully developed with actual worldly experience, most of the youth vote for liberal candidates (at least until seeing the Obama experiment first hand – that is destined to change for a while). Liberals, sometimes referred to as “Progressives,” have no concept of economic policy. They believe in the failed model of Keynesian Economics, which is a guarantee for economic failure. One look at nations throughout history that adopted the same economic model should yield a rather obvious common ending… FINANCIAL COLLAPSE UNDER THE COUNTRY’S OWN WEIGHT. The one simple rule that cannot be overlooked under an economic model of redistribution, is that “sooner or later, you always run out of other peoples’ money.” Liberals might know that if they werent the ones running academia, but since their re-written versions of history are all politically correct instead of factually correct, they don’t have the foggiest idea that what they believe are BOLD new ideas, are as worn out as a cross country runner’s socks. Without fail, liberals always convince themselves (or their voters anyway), “It will be different this time.” Uh, No. It won’t. Read on...
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 01:01:55 +0000

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