WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF OBAMA IS REMOVED AND FRAUD IS NOT EXPOSED? Many believe if Obama is gone today everything can be fixed, I disagree. I believe if Obama gets removed without the fraud used to empower him being exposed, we will worsen the problems we have. Obama surely did not get in and maintain power on his own. There is a vast left wing network that is covering for him. Plain and simple we are an infiltrated nation. If Obama’s fraud is not exposed the power structure that has used lies, frauds, and cons to empower themselves, will continue. The leaders in Congress can stay just as corrupt as they are. The “Fundamental Transformation” Obama spoke of will continue without him. In fact, I think it would kick into high gear just out of vengeance. It would be lynching another black man. It is better to expose Congress for supporting fraud, than to remove Obama. The deception of the American public will continue. Most Americans are absolutely dark about fraud around Obama. They will continue believing those who knowingly lie to them. At least half this nation is deceived into thinking there is no fraud. Many of Obama’s supporters would not vote for him if they knew fraud was used. I have asked several and they told me as much. Honest voters do not knowingly vote for fraud. Many will say that we have tried to expose this fraud and nobody will listen. I disagree. We tried to go to Congress and did not realize they are corrupt as well. In fact, the greater part of the criminal conspiracy that allowed fraud to empower Obama, lays squarely on Congress. The major players in fraud are the Democrats, but it includes Republicans. We must recognize Congress lays in the enemy camp. Scandals, false flags, and cover-ups that ranged from pedophile / prostitution rings, to terrorist attacks, to land grabs, insider trading that has sent others to jail, and using the IRS to kill the Tea Party. Many have made themselves millions by manipulating taxpayer dollars. Congress has not been much of a friend to the public for decades. canadafreepress/index.php/article/14583 whatreallyhappened/WRHARTICLES/Franklin/FranklinCoverup/franklin.htm occupycorporatism/home/real-truth-behind-bundy-ranch-land-grab-nevada/ An open and free media used to be a watchman of our society. Our major media appears to be as compromised as Congress. If Congress knows how to use power to cover their crimes, they know how to silence the media, and they have. Part of the battle is to expose fraud without the help of the major media, at least in the beginning. If we can be successful they will get on board. They will realize their liberty is just as threatened as ours. canadafreepress/index.php/article/56464 We also need to realize that Social Medias are compromised as well. Organized online phony personas and groups exist to control and bend opinions away from exposing the truth. I have made hundreds of posts on thousands of pages to raise awareness about the govt’s fraud. It is my opinion the vast majority of opposition to posts about Obama’s fraud is from these groups. They make posts in fb, congressmen’s pages, YouTube videos, have pages in fb where I have been banned, and even several websites that are dedicated to disinformation. canadafreepress/index.php/article/61461 networkedblogs/Um3UH Congress lied to us about Obama’s identity documents. They are complicit in empowering and covering for Obama. Where Obama was been born is only 5% of the problem. The Natural Born Citizen requirement was changed by insisting his mother is a citizen. Regardless of where Obama was born his COLB and LFBC are both forgeries. Obama’s selective service card has signs of being forged. Did Obama receive financial aid for being a foreign student? Obama’s social security number was issued to somebody else that was born around 1890. Was Obama adopted in a foreign country and have citizenship in that country? What is even more disconcerting, that the efforts to show how worthy Obama is to hold office, get obstructed. thebottomlineat.blogspot/2012/07/042-68-4425-did-inspector-general.html Social security https://youtube/watch?v=XjaGGrzYUJ0 Selective service card westernjournalism/exclusive-investigative-reports/the-mystery-of-barack-obama-continues/ https://youtube/watch?v=MAu23fvG1vA Natural Born Citizen problems freedomoutpost/2013/01/what-our-framers-knew-the-constitution-vattel-and-natural-born-citizen/ What can we do? Well, it is time to tell the truth to the American public. It is time to start vetting Obama and congress by sending all the fraud viral. Start plastering the Social Medias with the articles about the frauds. The lies, frauds, and cons are examples of tyranny coming from both parties of Congress. Fraud must be exposed to the American public. The truth will destroy when the public knows what has happened. I hear many ask, when will the people awaken? Well this will be a wakeup call. Quite frankly, the first people to reach are not liberals or Democrats. It is Christians, conservatives, and second amendment supporters. It is our responsibility to do this, to get this started. When we get hundreds, or thousands, or even millions screaming about the fraud congress and Obama have been using, that will make something happen. I believe that. Congress is just as corrupt and complicit in Obama’s fraud as Obama is. I realize now I have been wrong to be so focused on Obama. Expose congress for ignoring the problems too. Repost links from this article. Keep reposting something to expose Congress and Obama. Keep doing it beyond a normal news cycle. Obama and Congress loves nothing more than our silence. You know Obama, and Congress, and the left want our guns. The nation is going bankrupt. FEMA camps are already built. It is way past time to expose congress, Obama, and the fraud that has conned this nation. Let this be the vetting. Many articles can be dug up exposing the fraud. Google is your friend. Please keep reposting them. https://youtube/watch?v=ILtlH5ugar0 Three conferences done by Joe Arpaio. https://youtube/watch?v=8muZ1Pe9OAo https://youtube/watch?v=z6Ngv16UQAA https://youtube/watch?v=PwDqXFCy0Bo Others that said Obama BC is a forgery https://youtube/watch?v=7s9StxsFllY https://youtube/watch?v=9eJx7jsPV44 https://youtube/watch?v=3g30VCl_cgk https://youtube/watch?v=cv19avtHVcc https://youtube/watch?v=Z9j7ksEw1YU https://youtube/watch?v=Up62cFOtvQ4
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:32:40 +0000

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