WHAT WILL I LEAVE BEHIND? Today, let’s turn serious. All of - TopicsExpress


WHAT WILL I LEAVE BEHIND? Today, let’s turn serious. All of sudden, my mind is occupied by the need and the possible means of accomplishing things that last forever, things that are durable, that outlive the doer. So you could follow me, let me share my reaction to a recent Facebook post of Marciano Paroy, Jr. and a column I have written in January 2007. Please have patience to read and then react if you feel like doing so. Thank you. “The body of work of a true talent lasts forever.” (the reaction to Marciano’s post) Legacy Around two weeks ago, in reaction to the question on whether or not he is running in the coming elections, actor Diether Ocampo declared on television that he does not need to have a political position to be able to serve the people. On account of that stance, my respect for the actor who I believe has a good chance in the polls rose. That’s because there seems to be this perception among a lot of people that politics is the best way, or even the only way, one could do something good for the people. This kind of thinking seems to have also occurred in the mind of a prominent lady in this province, who, during the political season in 2004, was rumored to be running for a political position. When I asked the person who told me why running has crossed the mind of the personality, she told me that it is to leave a legacy. I understood that to mean leaving something for which she could positively be remembered by the people. I then told the informant that through the years, the lady has had a lot of opportunities to bequeath something to the people. In fact, all of us including those who occupy lowly positions in life, have a chance to leave something to our circles when we die. A shoemaker who turns out shoes to the satisfaction of his customers will be missed especially in this country where the shoes in the market are of very low quality. A vendor who has an honest weighing scale, who does not resort to some other tricks to cheat customers, who does not sell fake and low class products will have loyal customers and will be missed if those who take over the business are not as fair and thoughtful of the welfare of his customers. Miguel Ngalot, one of two Cordillera Dangal ng Bayan Award awardee for 2006, is a janitor at the Postal Services in Baguio City. He was noticed for being a jack of all trades and for rendering many extra hours to work without additional compensation. You are a farmer, strive to be the best in the ricefield. Work hard, learn new technologies to increase your yield and manage your income well. That’s what Rodolfo Apil of Bulo, Tabuk has done and is doing and he is now reaping the well-earned results by way of a better life. A teacher who is dedicated to his profession and loves his students will not be in want of people who fondly remembers him. Almost 40 years after we had the fortune to be in her advisory class, we Grade Six, Section A, pupils of the Tabuk Central School in 1969-1970, still remember the 10 months we were under Miss Gertrudes Lastimoza. Personally, I consider her the best teacher I ever had and I believe I am not alone in thinking that. To her, teaching is a passion. I still recall how she kept repeating that we should widen our English vocabulary by memorizing and attempting to use in sentences two difficult words a day among a lot of learning memories in her classroom. The higher your role in the community, the greater your opportunity to leave a good legacy. If you are rich, you could share your wealth by way of treating your employees, the very people you cannot do without if you want your outfit to continue to thrive, fairly. By that, I mean they should be compensated commensurately and all the benefits which are mandated by law and your conscience should not be withheld from them. The manner with which you obtain your wealth should also be above question. You are a clergyman, strive to live so that people will speak well of you even while your back is turned. May your life be as good as the sermons you preach. The wise saying “Your actions speak so loud I cannot hear what you say.” refers more to clergymen than to other people. Just remember that you are supposed to be Christ’s messengers among the living. If you are an engineer, you have a very unique opportunity to leave legacies because you work with concrete and concrete is supposed to last a long time. Your work will not be buried with you unless you are so corrupt and inept that you could outlive the roads and other infrastructure you construct. You should take pride in the quality and durability of your work rather than on how much quick money you were able to pocket while working on them. Talking about the professional pride of local engineers, I know of one who did not seem to be affected at all after a multi-million project he implemented was found out to be inutile. The problem is, just like that aspiring politician referred to, we don’t seem to be conscious that our day to day activities and actuations have a bearing on our legacies, on the names we leave behind when we are gone. In fact, the things we do everyday are the most reliable indicators of what kind of person we are. So when we sell meat at the market, cobble or repair shoes, teach students, take charge of a parish or build roads and bridges, we must see to it that we are carrying out the responsibilities in a manner that satisfies our own standards, the standards of the profession and those of our constituents. I suggest that in assessing our performance of our role, it is always good to ask the question “Will my grandchild be proud I have done this?” In fairness to the lady, politics is really a shortcut to leaving a legacy to one’s community. A political position carries with it power and influence, two things that could affect the lives of the populace either way. A mere signature of a politician such as when a congressman signs a resolution favoring charter change or the legalization of jueteng has an impact on our collective life. But just like I said, if the object is to leave a legacy, any given role in the community is already a good means.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 13:20:29 +0000

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