WHAT YOU NEED IS THE WORD: You know the problem with people is - TopicsExpress


WHAT YOU NEED IS THE WORD: You know the problem with people is that, they do not know the Word of God. Leaders should not only pray for them, but also make the saints to stand on their own feet by teaching them the Word of God. Some leaders have made people babies by keeping on going to their homes & praying for them, so much so that, that the family couldnt/wouldnt do anything without that leader. Since some of them are receiving prayer helps at home, so they don’t want to attend their local churches to learn the Word of God. They think it is ONLY prayer that can solve all their problems & so they always look for someone who would pray for them. There are some leaders who would pray for anything & everything. There are some things, where the ministry of the Word is needed. Someone may even ask you to pray that our Lord would never leave them. You don’t need prayer for this, as He has already informed in His Word, that He would never leave us nor forsake us. There are so many saints, who are looking out for many men & women of God for prayer for their various needs. They never know the Word or they have never been taught to depend/trust/stand on the Word & they are suffering. Hosea 4:6 says, My people are suffering/perishing for LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S WORD (not because they are not getting prayer helps). What I mean to say is this: PRAYER HAS ITS OWN PLACE & sometimes only prayer can make you a baby Christian. MANY ARE TRYING TO DO THROUGH PRAYER & LAYING ON OF HANDS WHAT ONLY THE WORD WILL DO. John 8:32 says, You shall know the TRUTH & the TRUTH shall make you free. It means, you shall know the Word & the Word will make you free. Actually it is KNOWING & ACTING on the Word that sets you free. So, it is the pastors work to get the word into people, so that their knowledge of the Word could begin setting them free. In John 6:63 Jesus said, that the Words He spoke are SPIRIT & LIFE. The Word of God is God breathed, & God inspired (2 Tim 3:16) which means the Word is anointed & Isaiah 10:27 says, that it is the ANOINTING that breaks the yoke of the devil (the yoke of satanic bondage). So, when a person teaches or preaches the Word under the anointing or the power of Holy Spirit, the Word will deliver those who BELIEVE & ACT on the Word they hear. All the saints must go to their local Bible based, Spirit-filled churches, instead of waiting that someone would pray for them. In fact it is better to get the Word inside of you FIRST before you get into the healing line & expect God to do something for you. All over the world, people upgrade their computers, mobile phones etc. Its time for SAINTS to upgrade their life with GODS WORD. If you would put the WORD to work in your life, you would find that most of your prayers are unnecessary. This is certain – If You stick to the word, You will surely come back with a testimony! Alleluia! If this devotional has blessed you, kindly pass it on..... jesusislordministries.in
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 07:04:57 +0000

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