WHATCOM COUNTY PREPPERS MEETING REVIEW AUGUST 10th, 2014 [Rather than a cold, clinical copy of meeting minutes, I prefer to review the meetings in a narrative format for those who did not or could not attend.] Meeting Start: 2pm Introductions We had 12 attendees at the meeting, including 3 new people; and gaining a new member who attended for the first time (and joined our groups Facebook page today). [Because introductions led to interesting discussion right away, I played the original meeting agenda by ear, so as to not interrupt any good discussion on important, relevant subjects.] -By a member question, we discussed a MAG (Mutual Assistance Group) contacts list. (That list currently exists and is held confidential.) As previously discussed, this list will only be shared among MAG members. We need to have several side meetings to discuss the details and plans for our new WCP MAG. Aside from having trust in fellow MAG members, you need to have several, clear-cut agreements for level 1 or 2 events. The contact list alone will not serve much purpose until the details are formed and agreed upon. (Anyone wanting to know more about MAGs and how they work, please contact me.) [There was a video very closely related to this concept that I intended to play, but we can do that in the next meeting. Not mentioned, was the intention to explore webinar-type meetings among MAG members, where it remains confidential and perhaps more convenient, as you can do it from your home, or from your smart-phone; reducing the amount of physical meetings and physical travel.] -We then discussed radio communication; a hand-held option and distance capabilities, as well as briefly going over Ham radio use and seeking equipment. -A suggestion was posed for documenting skills of members. A list already exists of those who voluntarily submitted their skills. he suggestion posed was to produce a form that is in the form of a skill survey, with boxes to check for skill levels for (or interest in) various skill-sets listed. Previous posts have asked those questions and encourage members to (in conjunction with the skill list already created) announce skills theyd like to learn. A form (as suggested) will be produced n the very near future. DEMO -Rick showed and discussed a striker tool and proper method for fire-starting. Discussion led us to talk of other methods and their levels of difficulty, as well as the flame potential of various types of tinder, etc. An experienced blacksmith, Rick also makes old time flint strikers. Rick further suggested using real cotton cotton balls as starters, versus synthetic cotton balls, which are difficult to ignite. -Rick then discussed how to choose the best walking/hiking stick and why. He brought his 6 walking stick (a modified Bo staff). It included a top section of wrapped para-cord, that could be used for many things, such as securing a shelter. Rick discussed the man uses for the staff, to include hiking, stepping up or down from a rock or platform, checking water depth when crossing a stream, etc., and also how it can be used for personal defense with a few easy-to-learn techniques. This is a 6 martial arts bo staff, which costed him only $22.95 and was otherwise converted using the wrapped para-cord as a grip; which for that price gives you a durable, solid walking staff and a host of other functions. His suggestion, was to look at the site at: awma/productdetail/1254-natural-hardwood-bo-staff.html [We are not aligned with or know anyone at this posted site, so it is not an advertisement. It shows you what he purchased and the details of its construction.] -Mark showed his self-created fire-piston, based on a design from a Youtube video, which uses PVC and wood. (Applied pressure used to ram the dowel through the PVC pipe creates high heat with which to start a fire using an ember from the lit tinder in the tube.) The Fire Piston (PVC design) also allows for storage in the handle for fishing line, treated tinder, etc. -Charlie discussed the need to treat fruit trees (and other vegetation) with precise mixtures of various supplemental substances for higher yield, and balancing the soils chemical makeup. I pointed out the need for a comprehensive growing methods and options for urban dwellers, such as those in an apartment desiring more than sprouts and cooking herbs. Charlie was asked to follow up on a plan for urban dwellers. -Displayed and discussed, was a suggested “Path of the Prepper”, which is a path of seeking knowledge from a mentor, to practicing that skill themselves, and finally, mentoring someone else in that skill---which completes the cycle. -Laurie told the group of various classes open to the public once a year by the SCA. (Laurie has developed much knowledge and personal experience through SCA; living “off-grid” with no electricity and cooking outdoors.) Laurie has agreed to let us know when the series of classes begins. -Dee was asked to present a future demonstration on canning practices, as she has much experience. She also enthusiastically volunteered her help mass-producing one of the fire-starter/stove/heat candles we are making available at the WSSF to help generate donated funds. Various items are being constructed or acquired for this purpose.(Thank you Dee!) The Whatcom Skillshare Faire was mentioned again, to include this years participation of WCP as one of the educators on site. An announcement was made of a corporate (non-financial) donation by Tabasco to WCP. Items are being sought, acquired and hand-made for sale/donation in order to bring some funds to WCP for various things such as: group workshops, outings, informal get-togethers, public projects, public exposure, public education, and public outreach. There is a PayPal account now for Whatcom County Preppers organization and a mobile card reader for receiving donations at public functions. The needs for more volunteers in the general WCP membership was also discussed. There are many small tasks (and a few larger ones) that need volunteers for support from time to time. Some on a consistent basis, and some on a sporadic basis. [Please contact me if youd like to volunteer to support WCP.] Meeting end//
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:29:11 +0000

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