WHATEVER YOU CELEBRATE…CELEBRATE IT…IT MIGHT JUST BE WHY YOU ARE STILL HERE Are we simply brain activity?…Is our life nothing more than an organism constantly fighting for survival? Is an afterlife simply something we tell ourselves to avoid worrying about death? For many…the answer to all of the above is YES…and if I rationalize I would probably choose the same answer. But maybe, it’s okay to be a lil’ delusional…maybe it’s okay to believe in something more…for me believing that I am more than flesh and bones makes this life rewarding…believing I have a soul…an inner self keeps me striving for more in this life. It keeps me focused and safe when all seems lost. I grew up Catholic…and oh so much that I learned was oh soooo wrong…and oh so confusing…yeah, there was a lot of guilt and a whole lotta brain washing…so much so that I totally turned off religion…so much so that all that mattered was pleasing myself…but somewhere along the line that got me in a whole lotta trouble …put me in places that I shouldn’t have been…took me to the edge and made me flirt with the big push…so I guess somewhere along the line I came back to something. When I found myself thinking that I F’ed it all up…I’m going a way for a long time…why did I waste this?…I had so much…I found myself praying to him. When I thought that I took too much this time…and felt I would not recover…I found my way back to him. And when I took that fateful ride on my motorcycle and that high speed lil’ flick of the wrist would have ended it…again my thoughts went to Jesus. I know it’s not cool to be a Christian…and I know that much of the trans community feels abandoned…and rightfully so…but if something saves your life…keeps you on this earth…and makes you feel like you can make a difference…don’t let anyone bash it out of you. So, will I be in a church this good Friday or Easter?…not a chance…but I will think about what MY Jesus has meant to me in my life…and I’ll also rejoice that I am still here. So whatever you celebrate in this world…make sure you celebrate it…or at least the parts of it you like…for it may have something to do with why you are still here. Love Always, Jen
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:06:49 +0000

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