WHATS IN A WORD!! As someone to whom Plain English is a bit of - TopicsExpress


WHATS IN A WORD!! As someone to whom Plain English is a bit of an anathema, peoples ability to communicate effectively always interests me. Ive been very fortunate and, to date, have spent a great deal of my time developing my understanding of the operating system of Mind .... with a view to helping others to also enjoy nicer lives as a result of this understanding. In English, it is fair to say that those of the three principles global community have found ways using metaphor by way of enabling people to innately listen and then to experience their one Truth. And thats another story. And ways of communicating this evolutionary yet pure and simple understanding are also being translated in Spanish and Israeli (and Australian & New Zealand & South African LOL). The fact that English appears to have sustained its place as the language of the online digital revolution perhaps helps in terms of the community sharing The Three Principles understanding. Yet it remains that, first people have to get this understanding for themselves, before they can share and teach it. And then, how can we be sure that the translation (initially from English and then developed within other languages) will point towards the Truth (i.e. Nature, the source of all-that-is)? Given my penchant for the complex (so that I can gather all the detail I want for myself before I edit it back to anything close to consumable by others) I can but imagine that there will be others like me who just happen to have been born in other countries and raised to use a language rather than English. And that could lead to confusion and misunderstanding ... just is evident as a result of the attempts at translation and interpretation of the Bible, the Quran, the Torah and other written works by wise people who had realised the Truth yet then stumbled upon scriptures which cannot be broken and words that cannot be spoken. So it has occurred to me that, face to face, people are able to communicate without words (or even hearing or sight or sensitive touch etc). So translation and communication using words can and will become defunct (especially as more and more dependence upon online links requiring no talking comes about) The Truth is that all people on this precious little planet of ours have more in common than in terms of differences. All people are born with common-sense, instincts, intuition and the ability to intellectually learn and train themselves top a level of excellence. All people are born linked and so connected via formless forces (which we can call Intelligence) such that our body can heal itself just as our Minds (which can never be damaged) can return to the default state. And its only when people go to work on their thinking, on their strategising on trying to solve non-existent problems and so get themselves in the way ... its only then that the Intelligence doesnt seem to work. What am I proposing here? I propose that by not talking (albeit Plain English or the Gobbledygook for which I am famed or in any language) that people will be bale to communicate and care and enjoy love and their positive outlook if not confused by stuff that they have been told to believe and / or things they have been instructed to do or false fear by way of control. In order to teach people the Three Principles, simply enable a period of quiet-minded togetherness such that they may share an understanding (naturally free of any artificial chemically induced delusion or mood altering substance) and let the language of being a spiritual being being human speak for itself ... let Intelligence trigger the common sense with which all people are born. Put an unarmed Russian with a Ukrainian in a room and let them communicate without words and the results would be unexpected. Same applies to Islam, say Muslim Sunni and Shia and ISIS, Israeli and Palestinian, Indian and Pakistani. So long as there was no preempted strategy or misunderstanding or dispute, there would be togetherness, as spiritual beings being people ... no need for reconciliation as there would be nothing to be resolved. All people have Thought, experience life as a consequence of their Consciousness and feelings and are linked to formless forces we call Mind (or Truth, or Intelegnce or The Source or God or Nature ... but whats in a word!! And, as ever, thanks to BBC, Radio 4 and Mr Stephen Fry for this contribution.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:41:21 +0000

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