WHATS IN STORE FOR EARTH HOUR 2014? WWF started Earth Hour to - TopicsExpress


WHATS IN STORE FOR EARTH HOUR 2014? WWF started Earth Hour to engage a mass audience behind the issues facing our planet, and to make a statement that when united we can make a difference. This was an audience that we were struggling to reach out to at the time, so from the beginning, it was decided that Earth Hour would run on hope, not fear. It would be about a common purpose. Earth Hour has always been more than just a lights-off event. Now, eight years on, we are seeing some extraordinary environmental achievements leading to the realisation of our long-term vision. The first stage has been achieved - the symbolic act of lights out around the world, the moment of inspiration for people to connect behind a common purpose. The second stage was to take Earth Hour beyond the hour. We’ve seen major success in the past two years through I Will If You Will, the Earth Hour City Challenge and extraordinary environmental outcomes from Russia to Argentina, Madagascar and more. To complete the shift from an event to a movement, it is now time to embark on the third stage of Earth Hour, of mobilising an interconnected global community for our planet. We call this Earth Hour Blue. It launches February 13.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:19:26 +0000

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