WHATS IT ALL ABOUT ALFIE? by Alan Dolit The 1960s seemed to be - TopicsExpress


WHATS IT ALL ABOUT ALFIE? by Alan Dolit The 1960s seemed to be the birth of a new spiritual revolution. I met many people who were seeking out a variety of gurus to find themselves. To find out the meaning of life. I too was not immune, and while I did my fair share of searching, it was however, nothing compared to the extent of searching that Norman did. Starting in about 1968 when he had heard that he cant find enlightenment on his own. That he needed a guru to help him much as a track student needs a coach. This not only made sense to him, but had a certain appeal to Normans personality. Norman and I were very close at the time and he would confide all his efforting regarding getting enlightened. His first guru was called Mai Om Ai. Oh guru whats it all about?”, Norm asked. Mai Om Ai suggested that in order to find out he needs to stop eating red meat. So Norm would no longer go with me to MacDonald’s. After about six months, he said he didnt feel any more enlightened, and went off looking for another guru. Norm heard about one in San Diego, so he took some time off from work and went to sit at the new gurus feet for several weeks. This one was known as Swami Beyonda Veranda. The Swami did not speak, but would write everything on a chalk board. For the first two weeks, Norman felt nothing was happening. Then on the day he was to leave, the Swami called Norman in for a private consultation. He told Norman that to become enlightened, not only must he not eat red meat, but to eat no meat at all. Norman then became a vegetarian for the next few years. He then confided in me that he didnt feel any more enlightened than previously. Several years later Norman heard about a new guru in Sedona Arizona who lived over a power spot vortex. He wasted no time in seeking him out. The guru would eat nothing but crushed apples. He was called affectionately Applesauce Das. Norman asked the guru his traditional question by now: Whats it all about? This guru told him to eat nothing but fruit to become enlightened. Norm did this for a couple of years. When I saw Norm in the late 1980s he wasnt looking too healthy. He confided in me that even though he eats nothing but fruit, he still doesnt feel enlightened. I last saw Norman in 1990. He had just returned from India where he had darshan with the ultimate guru and asked his usual question Whats it all about master? The master advised Norm to eat no food at all for two months. Norm really looked terrible when I last saw him. He probably didnt weigh more than a hundred pounds. He again confided in me that even after all his seeking, and giving up all worldly pleasures he did not any feel any more enlightened. Norm died shortly after I had seen him. Several years ago I was invited by a psychic friend, who had also known Norman, to go to a séance. I was really reluctant, but she insisted that I go because Norman had a message for me. She said it in such a way that I felt chills and goose bumps. I couldnt talk Margaret into going. Actually she didnt know Norm all that well. I decided to go as she kept assuring me that she knew definitely beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Norm would make a contact with me. There were 12 of us at the séance. Jane was the only one I knew. Everyone seemed quite normal. I had never gone to a séance before so I didnt know what to expect. After all the preliminaries that I wont go into as they are not relevant to this incident, there was a period of almost total silence and the medium then said that Norman was present. Without any of the trappings I expected e.g., lifting or rappings on the table, or any the Hollywood woo woo stuff, Norman started talking to me in my mind just as if he were there in person. I couldnt see him however, but I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that it was definitely Norman. What was utterly amazing as I look back on the incident, is that he was speaking in his regular voice that I remembered so well after having heard it so many times over a thirty year period. He was finishing a conversation we had not long before he died, even though it had been many years since Id last seen him. I’ll just quote his exact words as best I remember: Alan, remember all the gurus I’ve gone to looking for the answer to Whats it all about? Well right after I died I literally met God. He looked at me with such overwhelming tenderness and compassion that I started to weep. He asked: Do you have any questions my son. And I really and truly felt like his son. After a moments hesitation, although it might have been a week or a month as there is literally no time in Heaven, I asked God my usual question that Id been seeking an answer to all my life. `What’s it all about? God again looked at me and said very solemnly: “You put your right foot in, you take your right foot out. You put your right foot in and shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself about, AND THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT “ And with that God started howling with laughter.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 03:51:37 +0000

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