WHATS UP CHURCH, SO, ITS THAT TIME AGAIN, TO THINK ON THESE THINGS! THINGS THAT ARE: 1.Whatever is true 2.Whatever is right 3.Whatever is pure 4.Whatever is lovely 5.Whatever is admirable WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD! CHURCH does this seem simple? Do you want to have a good relationship with Christ? Then read the Bible and pray. And be disciplined about it. For some people this comes very naturally, but,for most people it takes work, and for many of us it remains a stubborn source of shame and defeat. We as the Church body absolutely need to continue to encourage more each other to read the Bible every day and to spend time in prayer with God. And its great if we have the discipline to do it at the same place and same time every day. We all need to understand that we need to hear that we can stay connected to Christ and keep growing by using a variety of strategies to read Gods word and pray. Its much more important that we do something that works than that they do things a certain way. How can we know if what we are doing to stay connected with Christ is working? Here are a few questions to ask on a weekly basis: • Do I think more highly of Christ now than I did before? • Is there a problem that I have repented of? • Have we learned, or had reinforced, something about the character of God? • Have we connected with God through prayer and have I listened for Him in His word? If the answers to these questions are yes, then you have an effective devotional life. Maybe it is listening to scripture while you exercise, or praying after parking the car at work, or reading a short passage at lunch every day--there are more ways than ever to hear Gods word and stay connected. Listen CHURCH, Dont give up working on the discipline to start every day with Christ--but dont feel like a failure if something else is already working for you. LATER, PASTOR B!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:44:39 +0000

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