WHATS UP WITH THE NUMBER 7? Today I am 61 years old. This is - TopicsExpress


WHATS UP WITH THE NUMBER 7? Today I am 61 years old. This is also my 16th year serving as the Chief Elder & Spiritual Teacher of The Afrikan Village. Both of these numbers (6+1 and 1+6) equal the number 7. Today is the 7th. This is a number 7 year (2+0+1+4+=7). Number 7 resonates with the vibrations and energies of the Collective Consciousness, faith and spirituality, spiritual awakening and awareness, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual development, mysticism, intuition and inner-knowing, inner-wisdom, psychic abilities, the esoteric, inner-selves, deep contemplation, introspection, eccentric, religion, thoughtfulness, understanding of others, natural healer and healing, secrets, myth, ritual, peace, poise, emotions and feelings, inner-strength, endurance and perserverance, persistence of purpose, the ability to bear hardships, quick-wit, the loner, solitary, isolation, long-sighted, the non-conformist, independence and individualism, intentions, manifesting and manifestation in time and space and good fortune. Number 7 also relates to the attributes of mental analysis, philosophy and philosophical, technicality, scientific research, science, alchemy, genius, a keen mind, specializing and the specialist, the inventor, determination, the written word, logic, understanding, knowledge, discernment and discerning, knowledge seeking, study, education and learning, writing and the writer, evolution, stability, the ability to set limits, completion, refinement, stoicism, silence, perfection, chastity, dignity, ascetic, rigor, ahead of the times. 7 is a ‘magical’ number. The number of the occultist and the esoteric. 7’s are secretive, mysterious, stand-offish, intuitive and introspective. An unworldly attitude means most 7’s need to be ‘protected’. The 7 energy has very strong psychic tendencies and are natural healers, with a core of inner-strength. They are known to be quick-witted, sometimes with a dry sense of humor. The 7 vibration represents rest, contemplation, spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy and mastery. 7 is the sacred spiritual number – the energy of the mystics. The 7 vibration represents a special function of human life. It indicates the amount of learning one must amass, in the form of personal experiences known as sacrifices. 7 DAY NUMBER Spiritual, intuitive and sensitive, you hate noise, disturbances and hustle and bustle. You are an expert on human nature and love learning new skills. Life though, often throws you many obstacles to overcome. The 7 Day person often ends up teaching others more than they may learn themselves. They need solitude and their own space, and can often find it a little difficult fitting in. From their early 20s, 7 Day people are well aware, and reach their special purpose. They have natural healing abilities. 7s have an air of mystery about them, and they do not want anyone to know too much about them. They often come off as aloof and withdrawn. It is difficult to figure out what they are thinking and feeling at any given moment. They keep to themselves and are quite introspective. 7 can shut themselves off, and make you feel that they are not remotely interested in what you are doing or saying – but in reality, they are the ultimate observers – they dont miss a trick. The number 7 symbolizes humanitys deep inner need to find depth, meaning and spiritual connection. When the needs of food, self-expression, material and domestic achievements have been met, the 7 energy turns to the deeper levels of life - to learn, to educate ourselves and to find purpose. 7 is an investigator, an inventor and this energy must have solitude in which to be able to hear their inner voice. 7s tend to be different, eccentric, or loners, and are very discriminating in all areas. The 7 Day individual has great wisdom, with strong intuition, clairvoyance and psychic abilities. 7 is never satisfied until they can link the known with the unknown, and this leads to a great deal of research, analysis and investigation. The 7 energy is the perfectionist and the thinker. They are urged to investigate the deeper things in life. Knowledge and wisdom are their goals, and their quick intelligence and inquiring mind leads them to investigate many areas. 7 people demand a lot of themselves and others, due to their extremely high standards. These people need to spend a lot of time on their own to reflect, meditate and work. They are very independent and introspective, and do not always like to join in with others. They often prefer to remain behind the scenes where they can freely roam. The calm, serene and quiet presence of the 7 energy keeps these people in the background, and it would be easy for them to become a recluse. They do not like to mix with the crowd and can give off the appearance of being distant and aloof. Many number 7s build a wall of protective reserve around themselves. They do not want their world filled with lots of people, but prefer a few close, intimate associations who are of their choosing. The 7 energy feels the need to investigate all things themselves so that they are able to come to their own decisions and value systems. They are the thinker, the dreamer and philosopher who can leave the world behind and go into the world of creative imagination. They search for their own belief system. The mental ability and sensitivity of the 7 person gives them the opportunity to develop their intuitive, clairvoyant and psychic gifts. The 7 is aware of the spiritual side of life, and knows that without turning into their inner resources, their outer world is not at peace. The deeper they delve, the more they learn to trust their intuition, and to have faith and trust, the more they will reach the higher levels of their wisdom. The number 7 person has an outstanding ability to heal people on the spiritual, emotional and physical levels. They are able to intuitively tune into the emotions and needs of others. Number 7s are not driven by ambition and have no desire for excessive material wealth. They are hard-working and committed individuals, but they must feel that their hard work benefits the world at large, and not just themselves. For this reason, Number 7s are often found working in voluntary organizations and the caring professions. Honesty and independence are admirable qualities found in Number 7s, but these can cause difficulties in some working environments. Number 7s will never let a dishonest act or an act that offends their sense of integrity go unchallenged.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 18:01:03 +0000

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