WHEN AN EVANGELIST CLAIMS TO BE AN APOSTLE WHILE ACTING LIKE A PROPHET, what do you get? Why, David Taylor, of course! Taylor said God revealed to him that the Denver Broncos were going to win the 2014 Super Bowl when, in all actuality, the Seattle Seahawks won it. This is what happens when people dont stay in their lane and bluster ahead, neanderthalishly, intruding into an Ascension Gift office to which they have not been divinely appointed. Neither evangelist nor apostle nor pastor nor any other believer can gaze into the future. The future is the domain of the prophets! In fact, that is what the word prophet means pro--before + phetes--to speak. Hence, to declare things before they happen. Disclosing the future, then, is apropos to the administration of a prophet or prophetess. Scripture is crystal clear about this. And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them (Ezekiel 33:33). That is why there were 3 distinct things the apostle, Paul, did not know about the future: 1. That a great drought was about to come upon the whole Earth. A prophet had to reveal this to Paul. (See Acts 11:27-30) 2. That God did not want him to go to Jerusalem. A group of prophets had to reveal this to Paul. (See Acts 20:22 c.f. 21:3,4). 3. What was going to happen to him when he arrived at Jerusalem. A prophet had to reveal this to Paul. (See Acts 21:10,11). Understanding and respecting the divinely imposed parameters of your gifts will help to keep you always on point with God and will save you the kind of embarrassment David Taylor invariably encountered as a consequence of intruding into the prophets office as seen in the video below. An old commercial said, Go Greyhound, and leave the driving to us! Likewise, the prophets and prophetesses of the Lord would say to the rest of the Body, Go humble yourself, and leave prediction to us! Real talk!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 02:54:44 +0000

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