WHEN EVERYONE IS GUILTY... CALL FOR AMNESTY THAT PURSUES JUSTICE. There is corruption not only among opposition members but with administrative members as well. People in different sectors are asking for a bloody revolution. Before we pursue such a damning alternative I propose a sound, sober and sustainable PROGRAM. This is going to be unpopular but I shall call it out anyway. I personally want a holistic and a justice pursuing amnesty program that allows erring politicians to RESIGN and RETURN their ill-gotten wealth in FULL (x3) and declare with full transparency HOW they got their ill-gotten wealth and WHO their cohorts are. If they do so... they will not be pursued with criminal prosecution but offered state-witness status. And those that do not accept the amnesty program should have the full force of the law hound them and their families. I believe this is a win-win situation for everyone. The people can get back billions stolen from them. The government would have the proper armament to pursue legal cases with evidences presented by people in the know and stubborn politicians would suffer the consequences of their arrogance. 3 major reasons I am presenting this Amnesty. 1) I dont think prosecution has enough legal capacity to indict the current accused. After everything is said and done I dont think there will be any convictions. It is all for show. 2) I want billions to be returned right away to the coffers of the Filipino people. These trials may take years and as the Marcos trials prove to this day we have collected little of the wealth that was stolen from the people. There are ways to keep monies after GUILTY has been declared. An amnesty with this provision makes the people the immediate victors. 3) I want the hypocrisy to stop. ALL parties involved have stolen in one form or the other. ALL politicians are guilty in the eyes of the people. In a non-compromising stance we expect everyone to pay. Where will that leave us? I say let those that do not take the amnesty pay for their corruption. Those that take the amnesty return their stolen wealth in full (x3) and serve the people by helping convict those that refuse to admit their wrong-doing. I would rather see a repentant criminal helping convict others than let everyone get away with their corruption. This is my personal opinion. Everyone is entitled with their own. Let him without sin cast the first stone.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 05:37:50 +0000

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