WHEN FREEDOM OF SPEECH BECOMES A PLATFORM TO DEMEAN AND INSULT OTHERS; IT BECOMES AN ASSAULT AGAINST INNOCENT MEMBERS OF OUR SOCIETY! By John R Hernandez@NDMH-22015 The double standard here is how members of the Palestinian community blend in with other members of Arab countries in order to verbally attack all Jews. While demanding justice and freedom to demean and degrade ISRAELIS! This is what our children and friends are facing day by day on University Campuses all over the world. But, that its happening right here in America is frightening from the point of view that our children are being verbally, emotionally, and often physically attacked. But, even worst is that its happening right here on our college campuses and the powers that be turn their face and let it happen! If we simply pretend that all of this harassment, intimidation, and verbal assaults are going to go away? You are sadly mistaken. Many of these young men and women behind these campus anti-Israel, anti-Jewish campaigns are bred to think and breathe terrorism. So dont be fooled. This is just part and partial of a bigger picture, a bigger global entity that wishes to diminish who we are, what we stand for, and what our moral values represent to us and those we love! These radical campus groups are only there to incite and to terrorize those they deem unworthy to share in the rights afforded to all Americans. They twist things around so that it looks and feels as if Jews are to blame. For their own inability to stand up to the terrorist within their communities who threaten and control every aspect of their lives. These are radical cheerleaders who are sent to college campuses to incite and threaten innocent members of our society, mainly Jews! When you open your eyes to what is really going on? You begin to see how not so different Jewish life can be in these confinements where anti semitism is rampant. To that of Nazi Germany and many other places where Jews were hated and unwanted back in the earlier part of the 20th Century! JRH-2015 NDMH
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:47:38 +0000

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