WHEN GOD DOESNTAPPROVED OF THE PERSON YOURE DATING!!! : FROM THE BOOK OF THE PRAYING WOMAN : AS singles, we’re used to hearing and seeking people’s advice and guidance regarding dating, and relationships. Often times, we look to family or our closest friends for their thoughts and trusted approval of the person that we’re dating. Do you take time to seek what God has to say about the person you’re dating? When it comes to finding the right match, Father truly knows best. One of my sisters in Christ received a word for her life. She got a prophetic word that the guy she was seeing was not the one for her, nor was he even the type of the man she desired deep in her heart. God was reminding her that she was settling. My friend received the word and believes God’s word regarding her life, but she had to make a tough decision: let the guy she’s been talking to consistently know that he’s no longer who she needs to be pursuing a relationship with and the reason is because God said so. God gets the glory because He cares about her so much that He wanted to break it down and reveal to her that He doesn’t approve of just anyone seeking to hold her heart. God is a good father and He is protective of His sons and daughters. Singles, we have to ask ourselves: will God approve of the next (or current) person I date? Don’t settle for less because you see other people in relationships or getting engaged, married and starting families. We’re well into wedding and anniversary season so just be prepared for those “I need a boo” feelings. Don’t be discouraged by a lot of people progressing in their next chapters; you never know they may be settling themselves. This issue has been brought up before that many Christian couples are getting divorced, reasons including rushing and going by their own will and not the will of God. Don’t compromise yourself to have a mate or go out on a date, God wants us to stick to our convictions of the spirit and be on guard because the enemy will come to tempt us. I have to share my own experience in this area. I was dating someone for two months and I didn’t have the feeling within me to go forward and be in a committed relationship with this guy; the Holy Spirit told me to wait a month after this gentleman asked me to be exclusive. I told him let’s wait a month and he complied. By the time next month rolled around, we stopped dating! Basically, we were on two different levels of intimacy, I didn’t want to compromise on that and he respected that enough to walk away. It may feel bad to be rejected over something God is asking you to do, but the present suffering would not compare to that broken heart, that STD, that unwanted baby, that guilt and shame that comes from not following “your first mind” which many of us know as discernment. The present suffering will also not compare to the glory of getting someone God approves of or better yet, brings into your life at the right time. “For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing (better) glory. And if what was transitory (brief) came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!” -2 Corinthians3:10-11 NIV I was told that the situation was a test for me to see the false before the real. I don’t want to chop it up to just that because the guy was nice to me and had a lot of potential. But that’s how the enemy works, y’all. Saints we can date the most attractive, on fire for Christ person, but if God says wait, slow down, or stop and do a 180, you’ve got to listen! God knows your desires and the devil does too; he will do anything to keep you off your track to righteousness, including distracting you with wannabe relationships that God doesn’t approve of. “If I didn’t listen to God, I would’ve made the mistake again of continuing to date someone He didn’t approve of.” If you are single and are going back into dating, be on your guard and do not harden your heart when God comes to you with a whisper or conviction about that person you want to spend time with. He doesn’t approve because He wants what’s best for you; we were not created to settle and be “content” with what we have, we were made to have a true reflection of His love in the form of another person, if that is His desire for us individually. Now there will be times when you may not hear anything from God while in your dating season. Those are the times when you may be getting tested, to apply what you’ve learned so far to the situation at hand. Continue to pray and pursue God in the Bible to get the answers you may be looking for. Don’t mistake the silence for disapproval, just continue to give God your time and don’t get distracted by the person you are with. Your discernment, intuition, wisdom will alert you if something is not right, that’s the Holy Spirit at work. You deserve real love, even if you never received it or saw it in your younger days. We’ve got to hold on and not grow weary in the well doing of being single. Stay connected and close to God. He wants what’s best for you, so leave the temporary and false satisfaction like my friend did so He can prepare you for someone with His divine seal of approval. STAY CLOSED TO JESUS, MARICAR
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 00:30:20 +0000

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