WHEN GOD SAYS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Most people today are TOO BUSY - TopicsExpress


WHEN GOD SAYS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Most people today are TOO BUSY eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage as Jesus WARNED {in Matthew 24:37-38} to TAKE HEED of the WARNINGS in the book of Revelation. God is so good to give us MANY CHANCES to TURN from our SIN and to turn to HIM. Too many CONFUSE His MERCY and GRACE with His TOLERATION and ALLOWANCE of SIN. Theres a time when God says, ENOUGH to a NATION and ENOUGH to an INDIVIDUAL and ENOUGH to our WORLD and that time will be VERY SOON! God gives GRACE, He gives MERCY, He gives TIME to REPENT, but when man is living in REBELLION to God, God will NOT CONTINUE FOREVER to give him MORE TIME. There comes a time (VERY SOON) when God draws a line, when God says, Thats it! when God allows JUDGMENT to come. {Revelation Chapter 16 & 17} tell the TERRIBLE story of GOD’S FINAL JUDGMENTS on earth. These Judgments are called the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES. Billions of people will be KILLED during the TRIBULATION. God HATES SIN more than you can possibly image. This is how ANGRY God is today over SIN! MODERN DAYS PREACHERS totally IGNORE Scripture passages such as Revelation 9 where God is going to unleash His FURY upon HUMANITY in the MOST HORRIFYING MANNER. The Bible says that it will be a time of WOE which mankind has NEVER KNOWN. It is JESUS CHRIST Himself who used the phrase GREAT TRIBULATION with reference to the LAST HALF of the Tribulation. {In Matthew 24:21}, Jesus says, For then there will be a GREAT TRIBULATION, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall. The Bible says NOT to FEAR MAN that can only destroy our body; but FEAR GOD Who can destroy both BODY and SOUL in HELL FOREVER {Mat.10:28} God is LONG-SUFFERING and PATIENT, NOT WILLING for ANY to PERISH {2nd Peter 3:9}; but once the RAPTURE of the saints has taken place, BILLIONS of people will be TORTURED HORRIFICALLY and KILLED by the ANTICHRIST during the 7-year Tribulation period. God will PUNISH the world for their WICKEDNESS and EVIL ways {Isaiah 13:11}. HELL will be their eternal abode if the DON’T REPENT! God will even give everyone a FINAL CHANCE in the TRIBULATION to REPENT: • “NEITHER REPENTED they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts”. {Rev. 9:21}. • “And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they REPENTED NOT to give Him glory”. {Rev. 16:9}. • “And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and REPENTED NOT of their deeds”. {Rev. 16:11}. MoRe BeLoW . . .
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:11:01 +0000

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