WHEN HAVE GOD - JESUS or the HOLY SPIRIT. Ever Called a WOMAN - TopicsExpress


WHEN HAVE GOD - JESUS or the HOLY SPIRIT. Ever Called a WOMAN to Preach? DONT EVER QUESTION YOUR PREACHER she said. ( my Sister I now hold You in Question by God Holy and Divine Spirit. WHO CALLED YOU TO PREACH? Certainly it was NOT God. SO WHY ARE YOU UP IN THE PULPIT? you Cannot even stand on a Street Corner nor at your own Home as a P R E A C H E R and it do NOT matter who love to hear you Speak. ( GOD did not AUTHORIZED it, GOD did not COMMAND it. and he NEVER APPROVED IT. ) ( this is what the Holy Spirit teach ) LET THE WOMAN LEARN IN SILENCE. the WORD OF GOD TEACH US THIS. BUT I SUFFER not a Woman to Teach, nor to Usurp Authority over the Man, but to be In SILENCE. ( Some Women are ignoring All of God Commands, and if given the Chance, Will take over the Authority of the CHURCH and take out of its Place, what GOD - JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT AUTHORIZED In the CHURCH ) I TIMOTHY 2:1-15 ***************************************** FOR THOSE OF YOU READING THIS. THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN And his Rule of Authority, yet apply to those of us that Will yet remain Faithful unto Him in JESUS name. WHAT ABOUT THOSE OF YOU WHO FAIL TO OBEY THE GOSPEL and yet Choose to Follow Some MAN or WOMAN While they Choose to Hold the TRUTH of GOD in U N R I G H T E O U S N E S S. ************************************** THIS WOMAN PLAINLY STATED It does not MATTER WHAT GOD SAID YOU MUST OBEY YOUR PASTOR or your PREACHER your leader, you Cannot go Against nor question your leader, and Who hath given you the RIGHT to ever Question your Preacher? You are yet WET BEHIND THE EARS she stated. **************************************** II TIMOTHY 3:16-17 ALL SCRIPTURES is given by the Inspiration of God, and are Profitable For DOCTRINE, for REPROOF, For CORRECTION, for INSTRUCTION in RIGHTEOUSNESS That the Man of God may be Perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good Works. NOW MY QUESTION IS the Same as JESUS, Who are you Going to Believe? JOHN 5:43 - ) PLEASE READ THIS NIKKI you asked me to give Comment. thanks for asking, may the Lord Guide you through the understanding of it all in JESUS name I Pray
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 00:24:26 +0000

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