WHEN HAVE WE HAD ENOUGH? WHEN DO WE MAKE A STAND? Once your door gets kicked in, it is FAR TOO LATE. YOU may very well be the next victim of the NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT that has removed ALL your rights from the Bill of Rights with the exception of the 2nd Amendment, and you know how hard Obama is working on that. Under the NDAA, you can be grabbed my MILITARY personnel in the middle of the night against your will, dragged off and thrown in a hole, NEVER CHARGED WITH ANYTHING, your family NOT TOLD where you are, and you are NOT ENTITLED TO AN ATTORNEY. Welcome to “Hope and Change.” None of this is myth. This is an already passed and ACTIVE piece of legislation. Good luck fighting your detention too. You think the rest of that has passed, but there is a provision for a phone call? You’re NEVER going to get the chance to even argue what was done was to you was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because you’re not going to court. FURTHERMORE, THE SUPREME COURT HAS GIVEN THE GREEN LIGHT TO THE DETAINING OF AMERICAN CITIZENS! Obama WON’T do it to terrorists, but HIS FAKE CELL TOWERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY TO SPY ON U.S. CITIZENS should demonstrate his willingness to grab U.S. citizens who oppose him. As I type this, Democrats are feverishly trying to re-write the FIRST AMENDMENT to silence speech, so you will NEVER get news like this. I will write more on that later. THE FOLLOWING ARE JUST TODAY’S POSTS! When Doors Start Getting Kicked In, It’s Too Late DAD WEARING ARMY UNIFORM BANNED FROM DAUGHTER’S SCHOOL! Why Has Washington DC Given 12,000 BAYONETS to Local Police? Why American Soldiers Would Fire On American Citizens Obama: Progress Only Comes When We Surrender to an All-Powerful Sovereign
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 19:13:12 +0000

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