WHEN I AM GONE…. (Part 2) A week ago, I shared a piece titled - TopicsExpress


WHEN I AM GONE…. (Part 2) A week ago, I shared a piece titled “my epitaph” which centered on writing your own legacy while you are alive. Imagine attending your funeral many years from today, What would the generation you leave behind have to say about you? When the hip-hop maestro Jay z was asked what was the price for his success. His reply was, “it is lonely at the top”. It reminded me of what I learnt a few years ago, that “great men often walked alone”. They treaded on unpopular grounds, with unacceptable ideologies for the time they lived in. They were never embraced until years after their death. They had a lone voice. Ask men like Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther king, Nelson Mandela and John F. Kennedy. Can you imagine how lonely Nelson Mandela was in that cell for 29 years?, and yet South Africa’s history would never be complete without the name “Nelson Mandela” in it. I recently watched the movie “Lincoln” played by Daniel Day-Lewis. You should see it too. Although Lincoln will always be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in American history, Lincoln lived a lonely life. He was often found taking quite walks on the white house lawn, pondering on ideas that would outlive his time. Many folks wanted Lincoln to be normal, but normality is a luxury great men cannot afford. He began the process of emancipation proclamation which led to the end of slavery in the United States. He endured extraordinary pressures during the civil war despite generals who weren’t prepared to fight, assassination threats, bickering among his cabinet members, huge loss of life on the battlefields and opposition groups. Lincoln understood that men who walked on normal paths, left behind normal memories. An extraordinary legacy demanded an unpopular sacrifice. I am not against living the average life. If that is what suits you, that’s fine. But I know they are a few folks out there who want to leave behind a lasting impression. JFK talked about man walking on the moon, ten years before the first shuttle shot into space. Martin Luther king had a dream of racial equality, at a time racism was at its peak. YES, your idea may be unpopular, but it is attainable. Isolation develops great character. It was during Jacob’s period of isolation that an angel wrestled him and changed his name form Jacob to Israel. Genesis 32:24 reads, “So Jacob was left alone…” Isolation is never fun, but if you dont stretch you never will grow. Stretching sometimes hurts, leaves you with scars and stretch marks. But just keep stretching, let the REAL you develop. Then the world will see what a WONDER you are. I will end with three great quotes from Abraham Lincoln “Give me six hours to chop a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe” “The great thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time’ “Whatever you are, be a good one” ---------from Victor odiong’s library collection
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:32:54 +0000

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