WHEN I CRITICIZE PRESIDENT JONATHAN, ….. When I criticize the - TopicsExpress


WHEN I CRITICIZE PRESIDENT JONATHAN, ….. When I criticize the President and his supporters come for my throat, I laugh at them because most of them are unaware of the purpose of my criticism. I am not criticizing the President as a person. I am criticizing his decisions and actions or inactions, including those done on his behalf by others. We blame the President for the poor handling of Boko Haram, for instance. Yet, we all know that the President is not a soldier and no one actually expects him to personally command troops into the forest. Like me, the President may not even know how to use a gun. Also, we know that Presidents dont do things themselves. They operate through advisers and aides and others. Yet, I must blame the President for not choosing the right people as his advisers. Look at the man he chose as his Attorney-General. What has the Attorney-General done on Boko Haram. Not even one statement condemning Boko Haram or threatening to deal with them. So, how do we know that the Attorney-General is not a sympathizer to Boko Haram? How do we know where his loyalty lies? By now the Attorney-General would have been fighting like a bull, charging at the Boko Haram. And anybody who sees the Attorney-General fighting would see it as the President fighting and nobody would blame the President. Instead of the Attorney-General being in forefront, it is the First Lady that is put out there, yet she is just the wife of the President. President Jonathan surrounds himself with highly incompetent people. Incompetent Attorney General, incompetent military commanders, incompetent advisers, etc. Why should he not be blamed? He is responsible for appointing these people and if he does not know how to get rid of those that are not performing, then he must be criticized by me. If I were the President, I would never have appointed Mr. Adoke as Attorney General and if I did so by mistake, I would have fired him by now. This is an outrage, really. So, those who dont want me to criticize Jonathan should better start thinking.
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 11:11:54 +0000

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