WHEN I FACE OBSTACLES I DONT PRAY! This caption is culled from - TopicsExpress


WHEN I FACE OBSTACLES I DONT PRAY! This caption is culled from our last class, we addressed the fact that our names are not written in the book of life when we give our lives to Christ, and several other issues were addressed. What was however left unanswered was when I said it is a poor strategy to Pray when I face obstacles. This beggars for explanation and I understand, because we have been basically trained to pray when there are challenges. Whilst there are different kinds of prayers (and that is an entirely broad topic), prayer can be said to be basically talking to God, a communication or fellowship between man and God. I pray, I love prayer, a Christian life is not complete without prayer, without prayer we can not experience fullness of divinity, Jesus said we must pray without ceasing. When I am praying, I am either interceding, supplicating, pressing in, fellowshipping, groaning etc. Prayer doesnt bring power, it makes it available in its dynamic state ready for use. However, there are certain times I dont pray, and that is when I face an obstacle that requires Faith; I am very much aware that people pray to God for healing and they get it, and it is not unbiblical, please note that praying when you face an obstacle is NOT WRONG, it is not a Sin, but there is a higher-powered method. In our walk of faith, the more we understand THE AUTHORITY OF THE BELIEVER and function fully in Wisdom and in the accurate knowledge of who we are, the better our approach to surmounting obstacles. When A Christian has these things, he walks in the consciousness of being a god, fully equipped as powerful as the God he serves! He begins to use his Authority, lets take a few illustrations. If you are commissioned into the Police force by the IGP, and you have been trained, fully equipped. When you meet armed robbers (challenges) in operation charging towards you, do you talk (pray) to IGP (God) to come and deal with the robbers? No! You have been trained, you understand your authority, you are in a warfare, you fire! God doesnt particularly enjoy it when you pray to him about problems, he expects you to know who you are and confront the problem with faith-filled scriptural words - you are the extension of divinity. If you are attacked by a disease, instead of praying to God to come and heal you, curse the disease to die in the name of Jesus! Lets check some examples in the bible: Moses and the Red Sea. When Moses got to the red sea, he wanted to start praying to God, and strikingly, I was stunned at Gods initial response, he said; Moses, why criest thou unto me?... In order words, you are already a prayerful person, you have prayed all your life, now is not the time to start praying, use your faith! Act! God was not interested in Moses praying when he was facing the red sea, he said he should tell the people to GO FORWARD. That is very striking, GOING FORWARD INTO A SEA INFRONT OF YOU IS A FIGHT OF FAITH, IT IS NOT PRAYER. Peter and the Man at the Beautiful Gate. When Peter and his colleague met the cripple at the beautiful gate, they didnt pray to God, he said in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. That was not prayer! That was the instrumentality of a Name they knew will work by Faith, they never spoke to God. The understanding here is that, when my bank account is crippled, I dont start praying, no, I should have been praying all along before the challenge came - I command the account to rise up and walk in the name of Jesus. I dont bring God (the IGP) into the matter, I use the AK47 I was given. To now start praying when the challenge shows up is just exactly like casting concrete when the flood is on, you have been attacked by legions of demons, that is not the time to talk to God, if you are a baby in Christ and you prayed, well, he may intervene and send and few Angels to help, especially when it is becoming severe and he sees that you are suffering too much for nothing. But if he knows you have walked with him long enough and he expects you to have grown like Moses, (a Man God told I have made you a god over Pharaoh in Exodus 7:1), if you start praying to him about the demons, he will tell yous why criest thou unto me, hehehehe. IN THE FIGHT OF FAITH, YOU DONT TALK TO GOD, YOU TALK TO THE PROBLEM. The Big Godwin | Butterfly your World!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 22:28:20 +0000

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