WHEN I READ ABOUT THE EVIL THAT BEFALL SOME GOOD PEOPLE IN THE LORD...IT REALLY HURT. AND IT ALMOST STAND ME IN THE POSITION OF JOINING THEM TO ASK GOD ALMIGHTY...WHY LORD, WHY ME. IT REALLY HURT WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE. BUT WE ARE NEVER IN THE POSITION TO QUESTION GOD. RATHER, TO PRAY FOR HIS MERCY AND HIS PROTECTION AGAINST SUCH EVIL BEFALLING US. We should always be willing to learn from the Good and Bad experience of other people. For we are not better than them...We are only given the grace and opportunity to know about their experience, and it is up to us to cry for Mercy and Protection from our God against such evil. I have three people in my life(though resting in the Lord now), that their death have brought changes to some area in my life. And each time I remember the crocodile tears that some people where sharing when they heard about their death...IT REALLY HURT. I remember the many challenges my late father face before his death...And each time I remember the crocodile tears those that really dislike him and wanted him out of the way were sharing; when they heard the news of his death...IT REALLY HURT. I remember the death of my sister-inlaw(Miss Glory), though I never had the opportunity of seeing her physically. Our conversation on phone,did born her to be a sister I would have love to have. Her life was cut short exactly when her dream was about to be fulfilled. And each time I remember the crocodile tears that those who never wanted her to travel to Europe were sharing; when they heard about the news of her death...IT REALLY HURT. I remember the death of my daughter, though she was Stillborn, we have already given her a name(Miss Cindy). And as the Doctor told me she was suffering and need to be taken out to reduce complication in the womb of my lovely wife...My life was like empty. And each time I remember the crocodile tears that those who never wanted her to hear the voice, and to feel the love of her parents were sharing; when they heard the news of her death...IT REALLY HURT. All these misfortune happen to me under a space of one year. I also remember how my business was made to suffer as well, that I HAD TO beg for money to buy FOOD here on FACEBOOK. I also remember how the enemy tried in vain to end my entire family...Because we all went to admission in the hospital for one sickness or the other in that same year...Lord you are wonderful! Should I now say, because Misfortune have happen to me and my love ones; I will no longer serve God...God forbid! We will all definetely die one day. Our prayer is for death to meet us after fulfilling the will of Him that called us unto repentance. Believe me, God is happy when you are happy. And also believe me, that God is happy with you especially when His Holy Spirit bears witness with your happiness. Today I give God almighty the glory that I am still alive, and my family is standing strong in faith. It is never our will, neither are we in the position to decide the fate of those that do evil against us. The sight of evil doers Irritate me, and I never fail to keep my distance from unrepenting sinner. Joining hands with you my brothers and sisters in the Lord, and standing on the word of God this morning according to Proverbs 11:21(Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished, but those who are righteous will go free). I say to those that perpetuate evil against the children of God; whether spiritually or physically...YOU WILL NEVER GO UNPUNISH. FOR YOUR DESTINY IS TO REAP WHAT YOU SOW, AND MAY YOUR CHILDREN AND CHILDRENS CHILDREN ALSO REAP THE WRATH OF GOD IF THEY FAIL TO REPENT FROM DOING EVIL IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME...AMEN.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 05:56:00 +0000

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