WHEN IS THIS KENNY NIGHTMARE GOING TO END??? WATCHING ENDA AT THE GPO Tonight gave me mixed feelings, The feeling that he should not be even allowed in the GPO to buy a stamp, considering the historical and emotional attachment that Ireland holds to the building and taking into account how much damage he has inflicted on Ireland as Taoiseach. Then one sole protester gets to sneak into the “Enda Appreciation Society” at the GPO and tell him to his face the truth that more than a million of us have been screaming at him, that felt good real good! The video is doing the rounds and for those who did not get the full incident, Here is how it panned… Enda Kenny and Joan Burton are trying to put a spin on the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising and had a launch of their plans tonight at the GPO. As the GPO is on the north side of the Liffey, it’s close enough for “Dublin Says NO” to come and protest… They did! Well done DSN, you made it heard inside and out and the ignoring of it was hilarious to watch! Having seen the video in the previous post from “The Journal” is like watching a scene from “les Miserables” with the mob banging the windows and trying to break down the door! HONESTLY, DOES ANYONE take this pitiful excuse of a man seriously anymore? Besides Moan that is? Then out of the hand picked audience who came to see Enda give a “Shur we are all grand and 1916 celebrations will be great” speech steps one solitary protester. LIKE TIANANMEN SQUARE, when that student stood in front of the Tank, the protester got to tell Enda what a million of us have failed to so far that he was a tad mistaken in his estimation that all this would blow over! To be precise the actual words were; “You are a parasite Enda, What sacrifice did you make? What sacrifice did you make for this country? No seriously… How did austerity affect you? You sacrificed us; you sacrificed your own people for the IMF, Ya C**t, You F**king Muppet, Go on, you are a Muppet Enda! Shame on you Enda Kenny, Shame on you!” THE ANGER OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY is palpable and being made worse by the seemingly naccercistic behavior of the political elite, Like Enda so does not understand that hi has created a POLITICAL CRISIS that will equal that of the 1916 rising. I again say that we need an Impeachment process for a Taoiseach. An end to the party whip system. Direct Democracy, where “Big Ticket” Dail votes are discussed locally and the TD votes accordingly. Ex Pat voting, the displaced should also have their voice. THE ANGER LEVEL IS RISING ENDA, not abating with the passing of time. The hurried implementation of policy has to be called into question and maybe every cent spent needs to be queried, as does every decision made by this administration perhaps? WE NO LONGER LIVE in that “Turf out with big pensions” society. Because ACCOUNTABILITY is the new game in town and accountable you and all that stand behind you will be! -Spartacus.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:05:36 +0000

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