WHEN JESUS THEREFORE HAD RECEIVED THE VINEGAR, HE SAID, IT IS FINISHED: AND HE BOWED HIS HEAD AND GAVE UP THE GHOST. ... AND ALMOST ALL THINGS ARE BY THE LAW PURGED WITH BLOOD; AND WITHOUT SHEDDING OF BLOOD IS NO REMISSION. (Jn. 19:30; He. 9:22) PURGE: clear oneself of a charge; purify, atone for; wipe out. [The New Oxford American Dictionary] REMISSION: the cancelation of a dept, charge, or penalty; forgiveness of sins. [The New Oxford American Dictionary] When Adam sinned in The Garden of Eden, he left us owing a dept we couldnt pay! God, not willing that all men should perish, established the law through Moses in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The laws pertaining to the forgiveness of sins involved the shedding of the blood of certain birds and animals! God found that this form of atonement involved no repentance, remorse, or change! People simply broke the law, made the appropriate sacrifice, and kept going until the next time! It meant nothing to them. He wanted a more perfect, permanent sacrifice. He found it in Jesus Christ! (He. 10th ch.) When Jesus said, ...IT IS FINISHED, hung His head and died! He meant our debt was PAID IN FULL! We no longer have to make sacrifices; His blood did it all! Not only does His blood cleanse us of sin, but it also brings about repentance, and changes our hearts! THE BLOOD THAT JESUS SHED FOR ME, WAY BACK ON CALVERY, IT HAS NEVER LOST ITS POWER! HE PAID THE DEPT! JESUS PAID THE DEPT FOR YOU AND ME!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:12:26 +0000

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