WHEN NOTHING BY NATURE CONTESTS FOR GOVERNOR... He was quite popular among his mates in those days. A celebrated and consummate rascal, he knew how to hug the limelight without much ado. It was just natural for him...Nobody gave him a chance to succeed in life. He was regarded as a member of NFA- meaning-no future ambition. Whatever that meant. But Nothing by Nature was no fool. He had his plans packed up in his sleeves... Of course Nothing by Nature was not his real name. It was a corruption of the name of a popular musical group in his days in secondary school, properly identified as Naughty by Nature. By a twist of tongue or mischief or both, Damian Okoro preferred to label them otherwise, and that mischievous creativity earned him that inelegant sobriquet. He sauntered through the university with the name as an excess baggage that sometimes brought him ephemeral fame until one day...He was just about sleeping at a time close to mid night when he heard voices- rising and falling- engaged in an intellectual dialectics of some sort. But at that hour? Okoro allowed curiosity to lead and in no time, he was right there in the midst of some Igbo smoking, ogogoro- shaking, grammarians doing justice to theories propounded by Marx, Hegel and Kant! Okoro was not perturbed. Instead of fear he was amused and before one could mouth his sob , he was already smiling from ear to ear, and cutting a not- too -pleasant façade. He has always had the uncanny knack of appearing foolish while exhibiting a great dose of condensed wisdom and what one guy recently described as cutting edge intellect. Whatever that means. His rascality notwithstanding... The history of man has always been the history of class struggle. He began on a sonorous, piercing note, cutting through the ethereal atmosphere punctuated with the cold gust of wind that appeared to take off from the hilly topography of Naraguta to settle in the plainer grounds of Abuja hostel or what some of us preferred to call Aluta Kingdom. No theory , no matter how reasonable can stand the test of time without the God factor. Okoro submitted amidst a buzz of disapproval from hardened Marxists. Karl Marx remains my man till tomorrow but guys do you know what whittled down the potency of his theory of Communism? He asked rhetorically. The buzz appeared to have experienced a slight lull. Marx committed a blunder when he refused to incorporate the geist , the God factor, in his theory which his teacher Hegel had always used to balance the history of the class struggle and stability of classes. That was why Communism failed in the former Soviet Union, and reduced China and Cuba to soulless mannequins. That was why Perestroika and Glasnost came to rescue a people from the grips of an ideology that courted death and decay, emptiness and wind... Okoro was usually in his elements while pontificating. No wonder he was just a few points to making a first class in his law studies. He was a rascal with a difference... He was just about delivering a deadlier salvo that will rubbish the life work of that German -Jewish philosopher and political scientist when a familiar buzz droned every other sound in the vicinity. It only took him a few seconds to decipher the sense and message in the buzz. Something by nature! Something by nature! Something by nature! Governor! Governor! Governor! The chant brought tears to his eyes as he stepped down from the stair case that served as a platform. And that was it. The next day, on his way to catch up with the shuttle bus plying the hostel and main campus, he saw posters of himself soliciting for votes to become the next Governor of Aluta Kingdom, courtesy of the Student Union Government. At the end of the day, there was no election in his own category: it was resolved by the powerful elements in the MASS party that he be elected unopposed, and Nothing by Nature became governor! NB: A lesson to our politicians. You are nothing by nature if you court violence and explore other unholy methods and strategies to achieve your political ambition. You are however, something by nature when you recognise and accommodate the God factor in your aspiration to the top. Our system today needs to incorporate the God factor to thrive You will be amazed the kind of response you will get when you align with God. Many in the so called corrupt system yearn for God but there is nobody to tell them the truth. Just like the Ethiopian eunuch who was a senior government official in Queen Candaces government in Ethiopia,, these politicians need genuine men of God to let them know that leadership without God equals to disaster. Good morning folks...
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 06:47:58 +0000

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