WHEN TELLING CONSTANT TRUTH BECOME AN INSULT TO A CONTINIOUS BETRATYERS BY YORUBA LEADERS AND ELDERLY POLITICIANS,WHO DERIVE SO MUCH BENEFITS IN SELLING OUR PEOPLE AWAY TO ONE FAILED ONE NIGERIA UNITY,REGULARLY BECAUSE THEY COULD NOT BE CHALLANGE OR CONFRONTED, WITHOUT THESE YOUTHS BE LABELLED AS BASTARD YORUBA YOUTHS: At times one would just considering the sheer opportunism and naked academic and polemics ignorance of some Yoruba resident in foreign countries displayed, when it comes to the Yoruba question in Nigeria. That is the category we placed people like Baba chief Eric Ayoola, the Almighty Emperor of the Afenifere Renewal Group in the United Kingdom, the most conservative sovereign society in Continental Europe, and many of them who taught self-determination freedom struggle is a tea party or a mere facebook and social media network alone, or sitting in one room rented apartment in the United Kingdom other part of Europe and America taking tea and bread at every of their meetings, instead of being regularly on the streets of those foreign countries picketing their parliaments with the Oduduwa National Flags and demands for self-determination, instead of fighting for which region rule fake and failed one Nigeria next year, as Yoruba struggle. The idea of using the age and elderly superiority as means of moral social organization, has its own considerable disadvantage, and that is why in the presence of a child, an Elder would commit abominable acts and expect the young ones to keep quiet, because our culture and moral ethics do not permit us to expose a criminal activities and sell-out of elders and leaders. Do we have any leader or leaders in Nigeria? Or those, whom some paid agents want us to adopt as a leader of the Oduduwa Nation possess the qualities and general acceptable moral invincibility above one Nigeria partisan politics. I can just stop laughing; it is that bad and sycophantic and debasing of Pa Awolowo free Education policy, that would make every Yoruba person developed a sound universal consciousness for them to be able to distinguish between universal truth and inglorious fallacies and falsehood. This is the sorry, Mr Baba Eric Ayoola said, he had for a Makanjuola Adigun Muhammed. This man called Baba Eric Ayoola and many of his likes do not know that the type of Oduduwa Nation that the ordinary mass of the Yoruba are mobilizing and working towards to, which is a revolutionary one, and not a partisan chop-chop types. He deserve to be pitied, primary because their own brand of Oduduwa Republic, is the one where those Yoruba political looters cum progressives would be in leadership and continue with the class hegemony of the Yoruba rich and their Tokunbo counterpart over poor Yoruba poor majority ,via supporting any of one Nigeria none Yoruba political interests, that can give their class to the key of Aso- Rock and the Niger-Delta oil and gas resources, that has never and would never impacted on the lives of every 50 million Oduduwa citizens . That is their brand of gradually process to Oduduwa Republic. I can’t just stop laughing, too provocative. They must stop deceiving their likes and not the majority of our people, that they are practically Yoruba nationalists, they must stop immediately, for we know them as politicians under one of the political parties in Nigeria, seeking to use same one Nigeria pseudo –unitary-federal power to oppress, exploits, demonize and continue to hold our people down within Nigeria, against their will, because they are now the king makers, then one Nigeria oil money would ultimately be theirs with the Gambari leadership in Aso Rock, that can secure easy access to national wealth of a Nigeria state for them, that is already dead. Sincerely speaking, the above misnomer had been responsible to certain acts of unforgiveable sins, the Yoruba leaders and elites has committed against the entire Yoruba nation till date, which had its roots from our historical antiquity. The spate of using this quick propensities to accused the younger generation of being too insulting and acting unlike Yoruba like, is one of the factors responsible for the continuous pains, agonies and poverty unleashed on over 50 million Yoruba sons and daughter in Nigeria. A Genuine Yoruba freedom movement that would comprises of intelligent and committed Yoruba Educated and professional elites, with representatives of the traditional class, market women, student associations, elected Governor representatives, legislatures, various civil society associations and all community heads in Yoruba nations to submit themselves to the future universal political aspiration of the Oduduwa Nation, which activities must never be politicize under one Nigeria political game of sodomy. The Central leadership would evolve a functional master plan, which would be following by all citizens of Oduduwa until Oduduwa Republic is actualized. It is this above process, that I, Makanjuola Adigun Muhammed is committed to, and not preaching for those who do not know how to run a modern state to come and continue to colonize the Oduduwa Nation under one Nigeria. If it is by war, that the Oduduwa Nation would leave Nigeria as a sovereign state, let the will of ELEDUMARE be done. But we must be free. oduduwanation.org
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 11:02:06 +0000

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