WHEN THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST IS FULLY EMBRACED, THE SICK, THE SINFUL, THE HELPLESS AND NEEDY ARE RESTORED IN HEALTH, HOLINESS, POWER AND PROSPERITY AND FULL DOMINION OVER SATAN AND MEMBERSHIP AND COMMUNION IN GOD’S FAMILY GOD’S LIVING COVENANT-YOUR PLACE OF HEALING: “The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity], To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord [the day when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound.” (Luke 4:18-19) RECEIVE JESUS AS HEALER: Many have received Jesus as Healer. However, I know that many still seek to be free of the bondage of sickness, disease, anxiety, worry and addiction. To those I say, BE HEALED IN THE NAME OF JESUS. WHO EVER YOU ARE, WHERE EVER YOU ARE, BE HEALED IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Some would say, “It isn’t as easy as that.” I say, “Jesus did all the work, He paid the price-the dual provision of salvation is yours.” Here are two word for word testimonies from people who heard this message and believed. “Yes Jesus heals. Healed me miraculously, my wife and a crippled girl in the church.” “I Was healed immediately in the Name of Jesus.” A good question to ask yourself is “What would Jesus do with my situation?” THIS IS FOR YOU! RECEIVE IT RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT! Let us continue our study of healing. I want to share a few things that I came across as I studied. I hope they grow your faith and your expectation as they did mine. 1. I came across Acts 5:16 which reads as follows: “And the people gathered also from the towns and hamlets around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those troubled with foul spirits, and they were all cured.” The Greek word for “cured” is Therapeuo. We get our words like therapy, therapeutic, etc. from it. It means to relieve of disease, cure, to heal and to worship. What is more interesting than the obvious implications of this word and its usage is the fact that it further means to be a servant, to wait upon- a menial domestic who attends to the needs of a household in a cherishing way. Do you see it? God’s Spirit is a servant which attends to us in a cherishing way. In this case it is used as a demonstration of God’s Nature and Will when it comes to your body and its health. The recipients here in the Book of Acts didn’t do anything to earn this. It was by grace which Jesus fully paid for at the cross. Receive it NOW in the name of Jesus. God is the same God as in the Book of Acts and we are the same people-His people! 2. In Luke 4:18-19, we see the two fold ministry of Jesus. He states it plainly and directly. “The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity],To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord [the day when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound.” a. Jesus was anointed to preach! (1) the gospel (good news) to the poor (destitute, needy) (2) deliverance to captives in sin, sickness and death ( Acts 10:38, Eph. 4:8-10, Heb. 2:14-15) (3) the acceptable year or period by the year of jubilee when liberty was proclaimed to all people on the day of atonement (Leviticus 25:8-13). WHEN THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST IS FULLY EMBRACED, THE SICK, THE SINFUL, THE HELPLESS AND NEEDY ARE RESTORED IN HEALTH, HOLINESS, POWER AND PROSPERITY AND FULL DOMINION OVER SATAN AND MEMBERSHIP AND COMMUNION IN GOD’S FAMILY b. JESUS WAS ANOINTED TO HEAL! (1) the broken in heart, mind, soul and body (Acts 10:38) (2) The blind in body, soul and spirit-those in darkness (Math 4:16, Luke 1:79, 2:32, John 1:4-9, 3:16-21, 8:32, Acts 26:18, Col 1:13) (3) the bruised and completely crushed and shattered in life, the oppressed and broken (Is 58:6-14, Mark 5:1-20, Luke 13:16). The ministry of Jesus as noted above was passed on to believers, exactly as He was anointed to PREACH and HEAL! Look at Luke 10:8-9 “Whenever you go into a town and they receive and accept and welcome you, eat what is set before you; And heal the sick in it and say to them (HEALING), The kingdom of God has come close to you. (PREACHING) We will join in agreement with you as you receive your healing today! It is why Jesus came and it belongs to you as much as salvation does! Don’t let fear, pride, or doubt stand in your way. None of these are fruits of the Spirit! Why did I say pride? Pride is the idea that somehow we are different. We are not different. Jesus died for each one of us and each one of us share alike in what He provided for US! Receive it now in God’s love!!! A Guiding factor is always: THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND! WE LOVE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS- WALLY & JAN
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 12:18:57 +0000

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