WHEN THE GOVERNMENTS CONDUCT ELECTIONS: THE FATHER HAS FINISHED HIS WORK ALL THAT YOU DO IS COUNTED FOR NOUGHT. THE PARAMOUNT THING IS TO PRACTICE THE DIVINE COMMANDMENT OF LOVING ONE ANOTHER AND HOLDING ON TO IT. BELOVED, THE FATHER HAS ACCOMPLISHED EVERYTHING. HE HAS KEPT EVERYTHING IN ITS SHIP-SHAPE ORDER. HIS SECOND COMING IS FOR THE UNITY OF THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE. HE HAS COME TO CLEANSE MAN AND MAKE MAN WORTHY OF HIM. THAT IS WHY SINNERS ARE NOT ADMITTED HERE, FOR THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PREVAILING PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD. WE DO NOT NEED A LARGE NUMBER OF PERSONS WHO STILL INDULGE IN SIN, BUT A FEW WHO HAVE FORSAKEN EVIL. LOVE IS PARAMOUNT. THAT IS WHY THE SCRIPTURES STATE THAT TWO OR THREE PERSONS, IF THEY POSSESS LOVE, ARE MORE THAN A THOUSAND PERSONS. THE TRIUNE GOD IS NOW ON EARTH: Beloved, now that you have seen THE FATHER, what else do you need? Many desire to learn more, but I wonder what they are learning. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS HERE ON EARTH; GOD IS HERE ON EARTH, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ALSO ON EARTH, WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT? PATHETICALLY THE ENTIRE WORLD IS GAZING AT THE SKY EXPECTING OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO CRASHLAND. I AM HOWEVER EXCITED BECAUSE THE ENTIRE BROTHERHOOD IS AWARE OF THIS FACT. THEY CANNOT BE DECEIVED TO LOOK INTO THE SKY, EXPECTING OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO COME DOWN AGAIN. MOST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD DO KNOW THAT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS MANIFESTED BUT THEY FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH. BUT SINCE WE ARE AWARE WE ARE ALWAYS ABIDING IN JOY. Many people are now in search of what to do to earn a living. The lawyer is in search of clients, doctors are in search of patients, but all their efforts are in vain. Many of them have decided to get baptized, for this is the only way out of their problem. Even the governments of the world are yielding to this force. WHEN THE GOVERNMENTS CONDUCT ELECTIONS A BROTHER BY NAME ITA, HAD TESTIFIED ABOUT THE PROBLEMS THAT PREVAIL IN THE GOVERNMENTS. THE TRUTH IS THAT THEY WILL NOT BE IN PEACE EXCEPT THEY SUBMIT TO GOD. CHANGE OF PEOPLE IN POWER IS NEVER THE SOLUTION TO THE EXISTING PROBLEM. THE ULTIMATE WAY WHICH IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH IS FOR THEM TO RECOGNIZE GOD, ELSE THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT BE STABLE. NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO, ASIDE FROM KNOWING GOD, THEY WILL STILL REMAIN IN SHAMBLES. THEREFORE WHEN THE GOVERNMENTS CONDUCT ELECTIONS, NEVER BE BOTHERED, FOR SUCH ARE FRUITLESS VENTURES. THE CONDITION FOR STABILITY IS HERE SPELT OUT, AND THAT IS, FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO KNOW AND REVERE GOD. Many people, when campaigning, do make promises of turning the economy around if they are voted into power. But the question is can they change their lifestyles? HOW WILL THEY BE ABLE TO BUILD THE ECONOMY IF THEY NEITHER KNOW NOR REVERE GOD? IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. A great many people are claiming to be chairmen of Local Government Councils, but what good thing have they done? They rather amass wealth for themselves and leave the masses in utter poverty. ALL THEIR FILTHY PROMISES ARE JUST TO MOTIVATE THE PEOPLE TO VOTE THEM TO ATTAIN GREAT HEIGHTS; AND ONCE THEY ARE THERE, THEY ABANDON ALL THEY HAD PROMISED AND CONCENTRATE ON THEIR PERSONAL WELFARE. THESE PEOPLE DO NOT IN REALITY SEEK THE POSTS BUT THEIR REAL MOTIVE IS TO SEEK FOR THE MONEY DERIVED FROM THESE POSITION. THE NEED TO REVERE GOD: The worldly people aspire to acquire great wealth. In spite of this, their aspirations avail them nothing. A TRUE BROTHERHOOD IS BETTER PLACED THAN AN AMBITIOUS WORLDLY MAN. TO ATTAIN THIS ENVIABLE STATE YOU MUST BE ABLE TO PRACTICE THE WORD OF GOD IN A STEADFAST WAY, AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF. The nakedness of the entire world has been exposed. People are now retracing their steps. In times past, it was never an easy task for a king to visit a foreign place or land. But now, however, the kings and paramount rulers are all running down here to be healed by the Holy Father’s touch. The paramount rulers themselves have become the propagators of the Word of God. THE PROBLEM OF THE ENTIRE WORLD IS THAT, PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO REVERE GOD, RATHER THEY GIVE REVERENCE TO THE EARTHLY RULERS. It is very obvious that whenever anybody goes to see any royal highness, he must bow and prostrate to show respect. Even the President, governor and other government officials must show respect to the Royal Highness. These Royal Highnesses are given several honorary names to show signs of dignity. However upon all these esteemed names, they are still coming here to seek salvation. THE IRONY OF THE CASE IS THAT THOSE WHO ARE SO GLORIFIED ARE SERIOUSLY IN NEED OF SALVATION, WHEREAS THE ONE WHO PROVIDES THIS SALVATION IS NOT REVERED. The necromancers who were hitherto highly regarded are today proved completely incapable. They themselves know they are powerless. They indulge in this act to extort money from others and earn a living. Now they all have yielded to the divine force, hence when you go to consult any necromancer, you will find the picture of the Father in their shrines. This is what they use alongside the Holy Oil to effect the healing of their patients. The secret societies have all surrendered. They have been rendered powerless and so they cannot harm anybody but you are still undecided about the one you worship. Realize HENCEFORTH THAT GOD ALMIGHTY IS A GOD IN TIME OF NEED, WHENEVER YOU CALL HIM, HE READILY ANSWERS. HE IS AN OMNIPRESENT GOD. WHENEVER YOU NEED HIM JUST GO ON YOUR KNEES AND CALL ON HIS NAME AND HE WILL ANSWER YOU. BRETHREN, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO ADHERE STRICTLY TO THE FATHER’S INJUNCTIONS AND TEACHINGS WHEREVER YOU MAY GO. SEEK AFTER HIM AND HE IS EVER READY TO ANSWER YOU. LET THE INJUNCTIONS YOU ARE GIVEN BE BINDING ON YOU. LET THESE INJUNCTIONS GUIDE YOU, AND YOU WILL HAVE NO CAUSE OF STUMBLING ON YOUR WAY. Refer to Luke 1:7-end. The scriptural portion above refers to John the Baptist, how he preached about repentance and the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Refer to Matthew 5:17-20 : Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18: For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 9: Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20: For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. EXCERPTS FROM: THE VERITABLE CHANNEL BY:LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 22:24:17 +0000

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