WHEN THE ILLUMINATI PULL’S THE PIN ------ (know what’s coming, - TopicsExpress


WHEN THE ILLUMINATI PULL’S THE PIN ------ (know what’s coming, and why !!!) *** Must Read *** Most people don’t understand that the internet was originally developed as a military based intelligence gathering system by the Illuminati, with the eventual intent of gathering as much intel on every person who uses a computer or a internet capable mobile device (your smart phone is a lot smarter than you think - youre being tracked and monitored as you read this !!!) . This technology has consumed the world in a very short period of time, and humanity has been reduced to this “on-line” existence for a very terrifying and diabolical purpose. We are now dependent on this cyber technology and its taking us down the road to a tyrannical New World Order (NWO) that Hitler would have drooled over. . The reason for all of these really awesome “free” social media sites is because the Illuminati wants to know about our political and religious views, so they can determine who is deemed to be a threat to their satanic New World Order (there’s no need to go off-line though, these freaks already know everything about everyone). These demonic killers are going to terminate the lives of anyone who refuses to worship the Antichrist and take his 666 mark, which is a RFID chip implanted under the skin (right hand or forehead, as per Revelation 20:4).... research the FEMA death camps if your in doubt about this. God will allow this to take place so as to separate those who worship Him from those who worship satan (Antichrist), in where satan will take the God hating, Christ rejecting masses to hell with him at the end of time when Jesus returns... even though most will have already perished by that time... as foretold in scripture. . This satanic NWO will begin with the Rapture of the Church, their long engineered and orchestrated global economic collapse (which is happening now) should quickly follow suit, as it will definitely be triggered by the chaos of the Rapture. The Illuminati will then shut down the internet and declare global Martial Law as per their NWO protocol. Some where in this chaos the Antichrist will appear, and take control of planetary affairs. After this they will bring the internet back on-line in a severely restricted format that is geared towards the luciferean NWO, which will culminate in the eventual worship of the Antichrist..... This will be the beginning of the Apocalypse of bible prophecy, a.k.a. the 7 year tribulation period after the Rapture of the Church. The Antichrist will initially deceive the panic stricken world with comforting lies and false logic.... but it’s going to be the beginning of 7 years of Hell on Earth. . The Illuminati’s plans for a systematic extermination of up to 90% of the world’s population is NO JOKE !!! It’s literally written in stone on the Masonic Georgia Guidestones (google that), as per the luciferean NWO program. Just like Hitler sought to rid Europe of “undesirables”, this coming world dictator WILL exterminate the Christians (#1), the gun owners, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, the patriots, NWO resistors, Illuminati researchers, end time preppers... essentially the entire middle class of society... as well as anyone else who isn’t numbered amongst their satanic ranks. . These global elite killers are doing this because they literally worship the devil, and are acting upon his directives (via satanic rituals in high places) such as the the Vatican, the U.N., Secret Societies, Monarchies and other elite family dynasties/industrial titans... theyre all satanically and collectively programmed to kill and destroy God’s creation.... yet they can’t see that they themselves are satans ultimate victims ---- the devil is the destroyer of ALL, including these Illuminati losers who he has duped into doing his wicked business of the physical and spiritual murder of humanity. And know this above all - it’s all happening because most people simply hate God and His righteous, perfect ways... pure and simple. This is the end game of the fall of man in the garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve believed satans lies over Gods truth.... this is what mankind will reap for following satan instead of God. . Can you believe this protracted, encroaching, end time deception actually has YOU in mind ??? How else can the devil lure and corral the masses into focusing on him instead of God? Although God has him on a leash, we know that satan has had almost 2000 years since the first advent of Christ to prepare the world to garner worship to himself (the Antichrist), by way of humanitys propensity to ignore God. In fact, it has already been accomplished long ago through the spiritual perversion of paganism, the occult, and its ancient lineage of longstanding, perpetuating networks.... and all manner of diabolical secret societies and the global elite... the very progenitors of the satanic NWO. When Jesus walked the Earth, he referred to them as the synagogue of satan... today we know these ultra powerful devil worshipers, who make up less than 1% of the global population as the Illuminati. . We ALSO all know God is in total control of this purging process of the wicked... and there IS a new world coming !!! Need I ask it again? ARE YOU SAVED ??? Get Jesus and LIVE FOREVER... in paradise... it’s all about a change of heart (repentance), our eternal destiny hangs in the balance of time. God doesnt force people to worship Him, and sadly, satan doesnt have to either !!! . If you desire to be at peace with God, and ultimately make it to Heaven... please simply watch the Jesus film with a seeking heart, its the bible in a nutshell... God loves you like crazy, He wants you to live forever with Him in paradise instead of being condemned to hell... stop running from Him and come home today, time is running out... and FAST !!! - the prayer of salvation is at the end of the film .... the game changer is right here >>>> https://youtube/watch?v=5pGEv9qXVaY
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 09:03:44 +0000

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