WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY, THE TEACHER WILL APPEAR In the days of late youth, while a senior in school I hardly knew difference between genius and fool But, a brilliant, dear Lady was assigned to the task Of teaching my heart and removing the mask Covering my soul, revealing my senses Building up character and tearing down fences Though that time was oer forty years ago I still retain the memories and warm afterglow No expression could I profoundly make Except these words from my humble pen The gratitude I owe this woman And the applause I must extend! She scared me into submission, simply by entering the room Yet; I knew she held a vision to allow my mind to bloom Shed stand before class with posture and grace Peering through students transparent as glass Stern agenda written all over her face Determined each pupil should succeed and would pass She made it impossible for anyone to fail With optional memory work shed listen intently Knowing each word, syllable and minute detail Her grade book at hand, as we stood diligently She treated us all with respect and admiration Leaving none by the side, alone or obscure Her teaching technique was of sheer fascination Nothing less than committed, inspired, secure But, a great sense of humor she, also, possessed Laughing out loud, when the occasion arose Enjoying her life, so tremendously blessed By the presence of love for literature and prose Yearning to share her knowledge of English We studied from Harbrace, the handbook of tools A college manual to envelop and cherish Filled to capacity with thirty four grammar rules But, the most important was not in the pages The scholar, herself, authored number thirty five Follow Instructions, she cited, wise as the sages She taught us to try, to reach and to strive! Sometimes perusing the classics was tough Ben-Hur by Lew Wallace was certainly formidable As was Macbeth, the witches, and Banquo, Macduff The time spent on each was strict and considerable Analysis of structure of Chaucers Pardoners Tale Brought out the red ink that resembled a war When our papers were graded, she was sharp as a nail Preparing our minds for what the future had in store To a louse and a mouse from dear Robert Burns Or Shelleys Ozymandias, King of Kings Perception and wisdom every man earns The Lady she taught me to think on these things! The Lagoon, a short story by Joseph Conrad And ancient Beowulf, vast legend of yore Day after day to our scholastics she would add Making us scrutinize, as never before My Heart Leaps Up, when I ponder that year Nineteen seventy one, I proclaim How lucky I was, and am, to have shared Our last year of school with such a Grand Dame! So, Ive written this little poem just for you To celebrate your lifes long theme To dedicate, reiterate---fresh and anew Agnes B. Frye, So proud I am to have been on your team!! Composed August 2001 By Rickey Lewis Westbrooks
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 15:25:53 +0000

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