WHEN UR ZIGLAG IS BURNT DOWN! Loving friends,today we read - TopicsExpress


WHEN UR ZIGLAG IS BURNT DOWN! Loving friends,today we read (1sam.30.1-10). Lets do a spiritual check up today whether we hav the real faith. Faith is not just having the word of God systematically arranged in our hearts.lts abt seeing the works of God.When we dont hv eyes that see the works of God,what we call faith remains an illusion. Hv u ever realzd that even after receiving the word of God from a sunday service or bible college,we easily go back to our normal life. Now hear this,what u think within ur thought is the devil lying to u but what God says is what is real. Amen! From this story,ziglag was a city david and his men built.they treasured it so much.it was a home for them all but having it burnt down in their thoughts was no good news.lt was a total despair for them. While they wailed until their strength finished -asking why God allowed their wives+children to be taken captives,David did not! why?after loosing treasured family and city,instead of joining the crying competition,david cd only encourage himself in the Lord!what kind of heart is this?do u realy hv this heart? Now what u cal problem is only in ur thought.its not real.satan is only sitting in ur thought my dear!Those who enter into despair and ask questions like-why mein times of bad happenings, are only deceived. Now what does it mean to encourage urself in the Lord?Upon hearing the bad news abt ziglag,david cd remember the Lord.he cd only think abt the God who delivered him from the paw of the lion and beer.whenever u think abt the greatness of God and move ur heart away from the happening to God,u r encouraging urself in the lord.problem is when things happen against us,we rush to think satan is the one fighting us.this is why many ple try foolishly to engage the devil in warfare and going for strong prayers.while his men were lamenting,david moved his heart to God,prayed to God -knowing that it was stil God who allowed it.This is faith! ln u there cd be trouble but in God,there is peace;ln u there is darkness but in God,light;ln u there is rejection but in God,love and acceptance so ,all u need is to move ur heart from urself towards God. U cannot change the situation but u can change ur mind away from it to God.always remember his great works.lf he delivered u from sin that was taking u to hell fire,wont he get u out of that situation! u of no faith! Peace unto u.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 06:43:58 +0000

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