WHEN WILL GOD SEND A REVIVAL ? Since I was a young boy, - TopicsExpress


WHEN WILL GOD SEND A REVIVAL ? Since I was a young boy, I always Heard either There is Going to Be a Great Revival by God. or We Need a Revival. And Still, Ive yet to even see anything these pastors claim were coming on such and such a date. Just like the 2012 Mayan Prediction, that Revival Date came and went. So Really and Truly, Do we Really Need a Revival? Yes But will there Truly ever be a Revival? No, No and Hell No! Gods Word Never says that Thousands or Millions will all come to Jesus Christ as their Savior. But what it DOES Say is, The World will wax/grow More and More Colder and Heartless near the end. Jesus said, It will be just like in the days of Noah. All I hear is, Please God, We need a Revival. Send your Holy Spirit with a power like we need for a revival so millions will receive you as their Lord. Well, you might as well write down that prayer on a nice piece of paper and jam it into a crack of your own Wailing Wall because my Friends, Revival is OUR JOB NOT GODS! Jesus Christ left US to Finish the work HE Started. Jesus said, Greater Works You Will Do because I Go to the Father. He has Empowered us with His Holy Spirit to Go into ALL the world to preach the Gospel. All we see and hear are all these False Prophets, False Self-Made Apostles, False Teachers, False Pastors on TV, Internet and around the World Telling us, Everything is Fine, God is so good, He wants to give you this that and the other thing, Many are being healed, He wants you to be rich and have great stuff, were doing marvelous things for The Lord with the money you give. Well, if you read Gods Word God says they are Deceivers and Liars. The World could of been saved a thousand times over if what they are prophesying and saying is true. Gods Word says their god is their own Lustful Bellies and theyre prophesying LIES to Deceive You because they ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY! Look around, they use your money for million dollar homes, exquisite cars, security to protect their stuff theyve Stolen from Gods Sheep. Fake Healings that cannot be documented, they spend lavishly on themselves, they lie and fool around in perverse ways and put on a crying act when theyre caught so they wont lose your money. And yet millions still give to these Lying Deceivers because they Dont Read Gods Word to see the Truth. God says about them, their money and earthly goods ARE their reward. But they will be brought down to the Pit along with their Father Satan unless they REPENT! Gods Word says they prophesy Lies and say alls well when its Not just to get your money. God Does Not Lie ! When we are Saved, we were NOT Saved to HIDE our Light under a bushel and complain about the shape the worlds in and pray for a rapture to take us out of this mess. No Man! This is War! And theres NO Retreating, NO Going AWOL and NO Surrender. Just as Yeshua told Joshua, I Have Already Given You the Land and Defeated Your Enemy, NOW GO and Possess it in My Name ! We Serve the Same Yeshua/ Jesus as Joshua did. No, If we want a Revival it is WE who must make it come about like when Jonah obeyed God and went to Nineveh and they Repented and were saved. That was Revival my friend. We cant wait and sit back while looking around like the Holy Spirit is going to do a new thing. The Holy Spirit is in You and Me. We are Gods Implements of husbandry to be used by Him to accomplish His will. We were Saved to do His will and to Produce Fruits of Righteousness. We have EACH been given our 1 Talent to put it to work and build INTEREST on it so we can show The Lord we have been doing His Will and have been Obeying His Commandments and the Gospel. In War, if you dont fight, you. Will be Shot as a traitor. Well when The Lord Returns, and if theres No Interest that has been accumulated on our 1 Talent He has given is to invest, HIS WORD SAYS, of that person who was Saved and given a Talent, Take that talent from him and bind that Evil Servant and Cast him into outter darkness where there will be Weeping and Gnashing of teeth ! That Servant who was saved, did NOTHING with the resources God gave him and was Blotted Out of the Book of Life and will be Destroyed in Hell with the Devil, his angels and all who reject Jesus Christ. Gods Word Speaks for itself and God does Not Lie. IF You have been Saved by Grace thru Your Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and have been Hiding Your Light under a Bushel from the World Because you might be Afraid of Man, Embarrassed to be called names & ridiculed, dont understand the Word of God, afraid of Tribulation, Hatred, Imprisonment or even Death because of your Love for your Lord, WELL , Join the Club. Its natural to be afraid of War and Death. But we MUST Keep Faith TILL the End or we WILL NOT Receive our Reward of Eternal Life. Thats why it Important to Read and Study Gods Written Word Every Day to be Fed our Daily Bread. If we are NOT Reading the Word for Ourselves we will Never know Gods Will for our Life. His Word is How God Speaks to us and Teaches us in All things pertaining to Holiness and Godliness. If youre Not Reading you are Destroying your own Soul to Damnation. We are Commanded to Reas and Study Gods Word. There are Sites that will Read it to you If your eyes are bad, and you can listen and learn. But Please Read, so you will Grow Strong, Fathers, Read with your Wife and Kids, Mothers, Read with your Daughters. Its Your Responsibility to bring them up in The Lord. He lent them to you to be good stewards and raise them in Holiness and in the Word. But remember the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ, And Lo I Am with You Always, even to the very end of the world. I Will NOT Leave You nor Forsake You. Do NOT Be Afraid, it is The Lord who goes before us to Fight for us. All we do is Go Possess the Land Hes Conquered. Be Not Afraid nor Dismayed, for it is The Lord who goes ahead for us. He who Loses his life for My sake and for the sake of the Gospel will have Eternal Life. The human eye has not ever seen nor has their ears heard of the Great and Awesome things that the LORD has prepared in Eternity for ALL those who Love and Obey Him. Jesus said, A servant is Not greater than his Master. If they have Persecuted Me, they Will Persecute You also because of Me., But Rejoice, because your name is written in the Book of Life in Heaven. Dont Fear ANY MAN or Ten Thousands of Men who come against you because they hate The Lord. Pray for them, Forgive them as your Father in Heaven has forgiven You. They have been Deceived by the Wicked One. But Isaiah says we will one day look upon this Satan who We thought was so Strong, Scary and All Powerful and we will say, Huh ! Is this the Little Man who made the nations tremble and afraid? He has been brought down to the pit to be turned into ashes by Almighty Yeshua God and be No More. As Gods Word warns us in Revelation Before He Returns for us, Repent and Return unto your First Love, Jesus Christ. and Come OUT from among the World and Cease living for what the World has and I Will Receive You unto Myself. James, the brother of our Lord Jesus Christ tells us by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, You say you have Faith? Well Prove it! Show me your Faith by your holy and righteous works. Does your New Life in Christ Reflect the same character and worldly things as it did before you were Saved? Or do people now look at you and find you strange, as Gods Word says, because you DONT DO the things you used to do, talk about the same worldly cares and stuff, live for the money, fashions, music, TV, movies and books and magazines that fed your Fleshly Man? Gods Word says, Whatever your heart serves to love, that is your master. You CANT Love God and the Worldly things also, if you think you can, you make God a liar when He says you Cannot. Once Saved, our Time is The Lords Time to be Redeemed for Him. Just as when you Enlist in the Army, your time is Now Their Time to be used for their purpose and not your own. We are Now not to use or occupy our time with the things we once did before God called us by the Gospel. Yes, We need Revival, but it is the Church of Jesus Christ who must make it come to pass. Whatever we bind will be bound in heaven and whatever we loose will be loosed in heaven. Lets not sit back waiting for a rapture while our family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and even our enemies are going to the Lake of Fire. God will hold you and I accountable for the blood of those we could have warned and did not it they die in their sins. Read that! And Gods Word says, its a Dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. Its great if you Like this post, but unless we put faith into what we believe and like it means nothing. I write my posts as Gods Spirit shows me. They are not to Like or Dislike, They are a Warning from God that Judgment will first start with the Believers who God called to do His will. God opened up Facebook as a venue for the Gospel to go to the world. This is an open opportunity for Gods Church to use it for His Glory, not for Games, Perversions or other wasteful things that do not edify the Spirit. Its time for us as the Church to Prove we have True Faith by our Works of Righteousness we are to produce. Anything less is Vain Faith and will lead to the Lake of Fire. Dont you See the Seriousness? Have all the righteous faithful who died for the name of Christ Die in Vain? No! They died for us. Because they Believed that the Gospel was more important than their life on earth and for anything they owned. They were Killed and They were Martyred for You and I, so the Word of God would Accomplish what God sent it for. Almighty God Yeshua DIED for us all. How can we Not be Condemned if we count His Blood as nothing? It is because of the LORDS Mercies that We are not all just Consumed by His Fire. But His Compassions, they Never Fail. Great is Thy Faithfulness oh LORD my GOD to me. Lamentations 3 Fred Sturgeon 6/23/14 BibleStudyTools
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 13:53:46 +0000

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